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Editing - draft

Take My Corpse to an Art Studio

Take My Corpse to an Art Studio

Sleeping Beauty...

That was your lamp I saw last night
The one that dimly glowed
Prayed to tell, that you were sleepless
As was I, on Dreamland's road

Too much wine and not enough
I could drink no more
Sleep was a fleeting fancy
As I stood, outside your door

I could hear you softly breathing
At least, I thought I could
I imagined more, as I closed my eyes
I might wake you; think I should?

No, rejection was too likely
I was feeling bad enough
No, just hide my disappointment
I guessed, I'd just hang tough

When the locust plague has overrun the crops, and the plague has torn through bodies,
when pestilence and war have had their fill.
The Italians dance on balconies and the British clap in doorways
Will there be singing still?

When we can no longer greet our neighbours
Or tightly hold our friends
Will we remember the soft touch of comfort
Will there be singing at the end?

I Care...

If I should die before this is over
I hope that I have made a difference
In what? You say
In something, anything...

A person's life
Left a mark somewhere
Made someone happy
Done something worthwhile

Don't we all?
Do we value ourselves so little?
That we don't think or wish that?
Will it matter that I was?

I do believe that even the villain
The archetype of evil
The miscreant
Wants to leave something behind


write my eulogy today

so that I can with me
wrapped in my soul
take it away
remember scribbler
you only every day

heart throb you may feel
each day
just high
Lovedly say
I will hear thee


Fierce as a spade
It Strucked me in the nerves
Anytime I want to try
Anytime I take a step
It will hold me back
Fear of eyes and ears
Fear of tongues and judgement
Fear of the unknown
It had burn many dreams to ashes
It had killed men
It is an emotional menace
It trespasses our mind
But we have to live with it, how absurd


I now know the pain I’ve slowly spread.
Please... Don’t hurt me now, or evermore.
Desperate to feel, intentions of love held true.
Who knew that hearts hang on by a thread.
Crumbled pieces found a way to restore.
Despite your poison turning one’s heart blue.
I broke past the smog and darkness, certain.
Despite all we put each other through.
To reach a place with a sliver of peace.
Where I could learn to fly instead of fall.
Letting go, the liberation of all I knew.
The willow and thorns no longer scaled.

Prince of Darkness... [March Contest]

A diary of bloody horror
Set in Translyvanian wood
A tale of vampirism
A damsel sweet and good

Six hundred some-odd pages
A tragic tale is told
Of the Prince of darkness
And the secrets in his hold

The story of a hero
A staid and youthful heart
Who saw an evil thing
And bravely did his part

He faced terror and he triumphed
Saved the maiden fair
Slew the evil monster
And took her away from there

Time To Kill...

We made young laughter and let it go
It hung around and we had fun
The years went by and we didn't know
That time would be, on the run

Oh, the things that were and was
Unsuspecting fools
Squandered chances, just because
We didn't know the rules

We didn't care what led us there
Wherever we wound up
We had far more than our hair
We had bravado in our cup

Finding Peace...

Cries in the night
Try to wake, try to wake
Run away, fight or flight
For goodness sake, goodness sake

Nightmares ride
Run so fast, run so fast
Find nowhere, that I can hide
Chase the past, chase the past

Woe is me, I was so blind
I didn't hear, didn't hear
What did I think, hope to find
Face my fear, face my fear

Blackened soul, tormented so
See the truth, see the truth
There was no way for me to know
You took my youth, took my youth


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