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Editing - draft

The Ghost

I feel like a ghost
Or maybe i want to be a ghost?
If i could disappear from here never to be seen again
Would i be happy?
Would they be happy?
If i was lost?
I wish i was a ghost
But am alive
Numb to all emotions other sadness and anger
I'm tired
Tried of living
Maybe someday i'll know what its like to be a true ghost.

A Little Glitch...

Damn, you little glitch
You certainly are a bitch
Threw my stuff all in the ditch
All for reason of which?

I know that you don't care
After my soul's all bare
Just fling my stuff anywhere
I look and it's not there

I so wish you would expire
Are you still in my wire?
With whom do you conspire?
Tell me who to fire

So, damn you little glitch
I really have an itch
To find out which is which
This really is a bitch

Encounter [By Gracy]

He'll come tonight
fiery with love's intent
throwing open his arms
to fold me in them

From the cold night
raindrops on his helmet
he flings his wet leather jacket
on a worn tufted rocking chair
he slides under my quilt,
holds me tenderly

He explores my body
lips find lips
our world seems everlasting
Coals glow in the hearth

Echo of his boots on the staircase
Revving up,
triumphant roar of motorbike

Dancing Fool...

Under a glitter splashed night-time sky
We sway and strut our stuff
There is no world around us
We two and that's enough

The rhythm of the music slow
The rustle of your dress
I in slacks and whitest shirt
We both looked our best

The band played a Latin beat
We danced on through the night
I never wanted to stop
My heart held you so tight

Tick tick tock tick tick...
Tick tick tock tick tick...

The white walls

I sit and start to stare at my white painted wall as my mind is pondering up these thoughts  that starts to fall  .

Then like never before out came thoughts Through the door of my mind and splattered onto my walls.

Forbidden Love...

As Dawn sleeps yet gently
The Night refuses to yield
Holding tightly to her breast
Protecting with his shield

A breath that's caught in throat
Caressing of her brow
A breeze that dries the dew
Night must be going now

Dawn wakes all sleepy eyed
Smiles a Mona Lisa smile
She answers quite dreamily
Yet, stay a little while

Nay, the Day has come for you
I cannot tarry now
We shall meet again in shadows
You have my solemn vow

My Life

My Life

My life is just like the night sky.
All dark just small sparks of light.
Which is in no ones sight.
These sparks might mean something, but its too dark.
Its just too hard to think, so I let it sink.

My Life

My Life

My life is just like the night sky.
All dark just small sparks of light.
Which is in no ones sight.
These sparks might mean something, but its too dark.
Its just too hard to think, so I let it sink.


She says she knows all the names
but she has trouble finding the right ones
and she keeps mixing them up
like so many pieces of a puzzle

Be careful, don't lose too many pieces
or you may not have enough left
to fill your mind
then there will be empty places

Puzzles, she loved them so
but now, they are beyond puzzling
They sit forgotten
no one to play with

Home among strangers
The nights are silent
She wakes with the dawn
Finding new faces each morning

Standing in the Rain

In a field no cover in sight,
Skies darken greenish grey
air chills, breeze gentle
Grass waving
Everything else is blurry
green blades bending and standing
so resilient yet easily bent
time is slow
days could be passing watching the grass
A drop hits a shoulder
was that bug or something else
Another on your head
Reach up to brush it off and feel liquid
Senses come alive
Start noticing, the air, the light, the breeze
Looking up another drop on your face
A few more drops


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