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Editing - draft

To stay alive

the life of the mind to wind down in time, as age plays a role of change to grow old in time as time seems to hang around, to be bound by the the mind to find life outer bounds, as good as life sounds, life is hard to stand on a mound of joy, to be destroyed by pain to live in vain for sanity with empathy to understand to live on earth our human land.

Gloves and Masks... [Title Shop]

I saw the Mime, with his gloves and mask
He tried hard to make me smile
I didn't think he was up to the task
Because, I hadn't smiled for a while

His silent laughter was so very plain
He had it in him, I realized
To take away my hurt and pain
I could see the smile in his eyes

He was no different than I'd seen before
His mask and gloves were of white
Black skin covered, he was hard to ignore
His merriment showed, his heart was light


A Killer Dinner...

Whispering , feathery footsteps
Swaying, spinning around
Held tight in a dance of death
Lowered slowly to the ground

Dark red stain on a blouse of white
From his chest protrudes a knife
It ticks a beat, then stills, just so
Marking the end of a life

Fireman's carry, explains; "He's drunk"
Back to the lair and away
Another soul that is rotten, gone
No worries, if your child should stray

Funny Thing...

A funny thing happened on the way here
I can't remember what it was
I think I stopped to have a beer
That may be why or maybe just because

I followed you to Laughter Street
There was no other way to go
And because you lost your feet
I laughed at you, you know

The way you fell upon your bum
In an awkward, funny dance
Made me think of a person dumb
With fire in their pants

You hopped and skittered all around
Like a dancer in a fit
Because of you, I think I found
The way to laughter's wit

white bottle

white bottle



Middle child living in the country
1993 running around happy and free
Mom and dad not worrying
giving a young child freedom
was a normal thing
always outside entertaining himself

Dinner bell rings
never complains
ate what was on his plate
did the dishes
lots of love and kisses

Respect and discipline was taught
things were earned
had a list of chores
bed at eight
never fought

Garden Variety... [Titles Workshop]

The garden grows from seeds and time
with water and hard toil
with sun and sweat from his brow
as he works this tired soil

Vegetables and flowers bloom
as the season marches on
And he will reap the rewards
and a bounty will be won

The air is clean, the breezes blow
the work is good for him
His muscles grow with the crops
he goes from fat to thin

So, work away in the dirt
keep your body lean
Eat your veggies, staying healthy
make sure you eat your greens

Great Aunt Kitty...[East MainSt story]

Great Aunt Kitty was a flapper
The twenties were a blast
Short skirts and beads were the fashion
The mini dresses of the past

Charleston dances and jitterbugs
Were all the latest rage
There was a ban on alcohol
Take a lead from the Temperence page

Aunt Kit drove a wood-frame sport car
She danced in many a hall
There was no drinking in a regular bar
Speakeasy hid behind a wall


There was a cliff, where we first met.
Below, perpetual waves crashed
At sunset, we watched the fishermen
return in dinghies.

She told me she was here for the moon
when the moon came out, she said
it looked like a rabbit's tummy
with the stars decorated as ears
and legs. I anticipated the pattern
and nodded happily.

We shared our stories under the
starlit night, there was a moment
of closeness in the air. That day,
my life changed forever.

Half-a- century followed...

I have a hole

I have a whole
angelina rodriguez
05/12/20 9:38

Death Is A Gentleman...

Look over your shoulder
See what is there
The air is much colder
You've stand-up hair

Nothing to see here
But you hear its' breath
Hello my sweet dear
It's me, your own death

I'm not ready to go yet
There's so much to do
Wouldn't make a bet
I was going to see you

Don't take it unkind
But, I don't want to go
If you really don't mind
I'm scared, you know?


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