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Editing - draft

Smile and be Happy

as long as you can
Shed a tear
that also of joy
O woman
O man

life is full
of endless pains
why add more
for no purpose
nor gains

love life
as it comes along
live each day happily
as long as to this Earth
we all belong

live a life
full of happiness
sing a sweet song

I sit alone

I sit

Tangled thoughts are lost

My soul knotted with my mind

All I can think about is life or death

I sit and stare

"How did I get here?"

"Why am I here?"

My reflection is everything I despise

"At least I can see a stranger instead of me?"

All I can see is everything I wasn't and everything I am in the worst way

My soul is binded with my broken heart

Every word I get hit with stays and every word I hear is permanent

I finally knew were I stood in this family

I finally knew were I stood in myself

A child here heaven does call, - shall be brave
Souls must save, fighter stand tall
By virgin hands English fall

Will of God speaks to a girl - precious youth
Witness truth, her fire unfurl
Almighty wrath she now hurls

Fearless, accepting her fate - sad demise
Spirit rise through holy gate
In heaven trust, angels wait

Miss You

Sorrow engulfs and smothers the heart.
Which longs to have you near
Weighing down my very soul
Excreting every single tear

Bitter thoughts blaze in my mind.
As I lay our love to rest
In fields of pink carnations
Dead leaves falling where I tread

Spring Escapes Again! ... [February Contest]

Squirrels and birds, laze in the trees
The skunk has dug holes in my lawn
I hear some crows scolding, see the cat freeze
In the hour just before dawn

My window's up, with a small screen
Frozen ground, is very brown bare
Ragged grass that's still so green
A faint mildew smell to the air

But, I know it won't last
A storm's brewing out west
It's heading here fast
This here's just a test

The monster in my nightmares

He really hurt me
I was just a little girl
Bright and happy,
Until he ruined my world.

It started at age 4
I didn’t know what to do.
I couldn’t fight back
I was too frightened to move.

He threatened me if I ever told
So I stayed mute.
Over the years he got more bold
Because he never heard a dispute.

Things got rough after 4 years had passed
All 3 of us were trapped
He had 2 other little girls in his grasp
At a young age we made a pact

Conflagration (for chat tonight)

Patagonian collection

A wall of weaving flames
consumes coniferous forests.
Fireballs arch over brooks and waterfalls,
ignite woodsheds, barns, homes.
Goats, guanacos, sheep agonize
in russet glades, their wool
burning bright under orange heights.

Okai Neo Friends

We all want to be friendly
some rotten smelling fish
spoil a lovely dish
never mind it
don't we all by now know

friends come and go
we all want to be happy
some smelling fish
hell...spoil the dish

but friends
come and go

I missed you all
these long days
summers came and went
where on earth
in which corner
were you totally spent

never from this site ever go
'tis for those who love the art
of poetry NEO
poets are simply a part

On Your Knees...

The night creeps in
on hands and knees
too ashamed to face the day

It gives no clue
of why it cries
if it knows, it wouldn't say

It brings the nightmares
and with it Darkside
pulled from within your shell

Full of teeth and claws
to rip apart your dreams
and take your soul to Hell

Chasing Stars...

An idea pulses brightly and I try desperately
to catch it before it fades away
It's as though it is a shooting star
racing away over the horizon

Sometimes, a thought is one of many
like in a meteor shower and it follows the rest of them
across the sky and disappears into the void of forgetfulness
while you are still separating it from the herd


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