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Earn A Poem Workshop 1 workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Hawaiian Birthday...

On Hawaiian shores forever,
she dances for us all.
Her graceful moves in life,
pick us up, when we fall.

Now, the balloons are carried
to distant, far off shore,
and she is no longer with us,
I'll hold her hand no more.

Mother, dance your best,
for us up in the sky.
I saw your love for all,
there's teardrops in my eyes.

Somewhere over that rainbow
bluebirds will surely fly.
The joy that she gave to us,
Mom's love will never die.


There's a word in the English language,
This word sounds much like duck,
I certainly won't say it here
It may bring me bad luck,

This word I often use it,
As my wife is prone to do,
It is so versatile
Some examples now for you.

Remember General Custer
in 1876?:
"Look at those ducking Indians",
As they rode from out the sticks.

And the genius Albert Einstein
With his relativity,
Proclaimed it out to all the world:
"Surely any ducker can see".

Life Is What You Are.

There's a time to go back to live life again,
Let the boy who was fearless be reborn just the same;
Command the old man who grumbles and moans
Of the aches and the pains that torment his old bones.

Ride his bike one more time, no brakes, hands free,
Skate winter's froze pond where he knows not to be,
Go down to the river for frogs, newts, dragonfly,
Climb gnarled oaks so tall they caress azure sky.

ARTHUR. A legend.

Bloodied and dying the end of his days,
He lie on the field life slipping away;
Spread all around his dead gallant knights
Lay with their foes who had been put to flight.

The cost was high so many dead,
He surveys the field from his own deathbed
Slaughtered they lay friend and foe alike
Dismembered and hacked in autumns sunlight.


Beneath a boardwalk a girl and I
Naked would lay
Neath a summers's night sky;
Overlooking a beach
Where night birds call,
We kissed and caressed
Each exploring all.

This was the place boys took their desire
On warm summer nights
By a flickering fire,
Then under the boardwalk
Both would retreat,
Lay rampant with lust
'Till passions replete.

A Wish

If I could write like Kipling,
Swinburne, Poe or Noyes
My pen would never cease to scratch
Tales full of hope and Joy.

Maybe songs of misery,
Of woe and long lost loves,
Girls I kissed with a passion
To rouse desires thereof.

Of gardens soft and verdant
In dappled sunshine's glare.
Deserts bare and sunbaked
Where bleached white bones lay bare.

Tales of high adventure,
Buccaneers and gold,
Of worlds in space, so far away
Adrift in realms ice cold,

Longing to Belong...

He had grown to be a man,
since his capture as a child.
He'd survived two wars by now,
he was seasoned... but half wild.

Was there anyone still left,
who would remember him?
Was there still a village there,
was there even one last kin?

He had been to life's great school,
he had learned his lessons well.
Lived in paradise, been poor,
been to heaven, gone through hell.

Observations of an Amphibious Creature

Frog he hops,
Then he stops.
Tadpole sees.

Instructions! Who Needs Them?

Blast! Where have I put them?
I've looked all through the place;
Can't find the instruction manual,
Nowhere is there a trace.

Never mind, I'm not that stupid,
Though some may think it so,
I'll show I can put it together;
I'll take it nice and slow.

Lets see now, this bit goes here,
Perhaps this bit goes there,
Yes got it, ooooooo! a wee bit tight,
A strong push, it'll be alright.

The Magic of a Love Spell...

In the cool light of a grey dawn,
I look to the entrance of my cave.
The shuffle of the entity holding my heart
is music to my ears.

I peep out and watch eagerly
for the magical beast,
who having yawned and stretched,
now comes into view.

Be still, my beating heart
do not attract unwanted attention,
for she is not yet had time
to consume her magic elixir,
nor think great thoughts.


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