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Earn A Poem Workshop 1 workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

First Time on a Bike

Oh! Yes I remember my first bike ride so well.
Grazed Knees and grazed elbows, bumped head,
Hurt like hell.

Our Family Feud...

What's the answer to the question?
When can I be heard?
Things seem to be all wrong
Can you give me another word?

What does it look like from here?
The others might win through a steal
Who can you really trust?
I just don't know how to feel

Talking shit about each other
Jealousy rears its' ugly head
You cannot ever escape
Not even when you are dead

Blood is thicker than water
But not so much as alcohol
Be careful of what you say
The others are building a wall


Two words that I get muddled,
Though I don't use either much,
One word is vernalization
The other isn't such.

''So what'', you ask: ''is the other?''
Ablation is the one;
I don't use this one either
Serious or in fun

But then you pose the question:
''What do they mean?'' and I
reply: ''Get out your book of words,
For I am prone to lie''.

First Ride...

A warm Spring day, and Mikey sat grinning
"I've found just the thing for you."
He had a smile and a way of winning
with stuff he wanted to do.

Downstairs in the cellar, cool and damp
door open to the backyard,
We went in to peer at Mikey's camp
and at first, seeing's too hard.

But then a shape; of blue paint and chrome
emerging from the gloom
A dream, a chance for me to roam
a bicycle in the room!

The Purge

The siren blares,
one, two, three....
it's me, the last thing you'll see.
And sadly, no one cares.

Life put the gun in my hand,
a knife at my side,
with no where to hide,
before all is banned.

What was that you said?
Through stitched up lips,
bullet holes in your hips.
You'd rather be dead?.

Cool metal against your skin
betrayal is now a deadly sin,
punishing the offenders,
the great pretenders,

You'll never hurt anyone again.

Under The Influence

Accidental, no doubt.
One and done, you were supposed to be out.
My soul left my body, the minute we kissed.
A moment in time, I am glad not to have missed.

My hair in your hands,
thick fingers wound between the strands.
Your eyes following mine,
while your tongue traced my lip line.

Intoxicated by your smell,
but how could I tell,
this would turn into so much more.
opening a whole new door.


I dreamed an Angel came to me
Wings as dark as night,
Eyes that sparked like diamonds,
Teeth of hound dog white.

Each night I see this angel
No words she speaks to me,
Enfolds me in her soft black wings
Breathes soft warm sleep on me.

Soft wings that hold me gently.
Full breasts that feed me life.
Smooth hands with nails like talons.
They pierce me as a knife.

In dreams alone I see her
Feel her sit astride.
Then I awake in anguish,
Alone. None by my side.


She ponders where her penned life went,
words and seasons already spent,

like love sonnets from Italy,
cached into faded potpourri.

Her muse now wanders down a lane
of wild bramble, veiled and arcane.

Verses, lost, gently stepped aside.
Many moved on, while some have died.

Ardent thoughts, now seem less than prime,
perhaps they sense they're past their time.

Still, many lovely rhymes remain
as she ambles on down her lane...

Can You....

Can you see me in the shadows,
weeping behind a veil of darkness?
Locked inside a heart shaped mess,
trapped within feelings of emptiness.

Can you hear me in your dreams,
reaching out as you push me away.
When hope and laughter isn't enough
to make you want to stay.

Can you feel me when you chose someone else?
Does my name cross your lips while speaking hers,
or am I just a fleeting memory, one of the damned
to ever grace your presence with unconditional love?

Blue Collar Woman



She crawls like the ghost

of the distorted spider dancer

to the bottom of the pyramid

as sand blown eyes watch over her.

She sniffs for what might be below

and knows her soft quilted bed hoping

to soon land on the lit-up blue, green and yellow

sunshine where lakes of mirror blue

bring her to dream of funny faced fish


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