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Earn A Poem Workshop 1 workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


Naked they ride on stallions of flame
Creatures that worship who cannot be named
'Cross ink black skies they scream out their lust
Seeking weak men to reduce into dust.

With cunning and wiles for centuries gone
They have tempted men good, bad, honest and strong.
Appear as young women to capture a soul
Lured into bondage, chained, spirit controlled.


I was only looking out
the best I could,

to those of you
who misunderstood.

Speaking seems to do more harm,
but silence shouldn't be the only way,

The struggle within,
pulling me apart again

Dreams of Desire...

Oh Voyager, let me come with you
and put my feet on mystic trails
Let me walk in your waking dreams
ride on ships with billowing sails

The winds of fortune have guided me
I've been here and there and then
Keep venturing on, brave companion
we will travel to there, once again

Voyage on to the new horizon
always searching for hotter fires
Imagination doesn't keep time
there's no locks on our sweet desires

A Clerihew

Dame Judi Dench
Never sat on a bench
To learn her lines
She said bed was just fine.

A Ghostly Voyage

Skies of slate, fog seeping in,
wrapping around lonley branches in veils of sadness.
An owl's screech heard in the distance.
Followed by a gentle beat, a break in the madness.

Barefoot and alone, stepping silently
through my wooded prison,
following the notes as they echoed,
caressing the new found freedom that has risen.

The ship stood waiting, a site to behold.
Black flag beckoning in the breeze, calling me home.
The sea rocked in rhythm as the sound grew louder,
when suddenly he appeared; my heart did shudder.

A Toast

To the happy couple,
I'd like to wish you well,
but alas can only hope
both rot in hell.

To her and her alone,
you don't know me,
but saw it fit, to lie and trick.
May you choke on his d***!

And as for him, where to start.
This pain feels like someone
ripped out my heart, stabbing me
in the back with a poison dart.

Karma is a dish best served cold,
I wish you all you deserve.
While I'm out living life,
and you're chasing something stale and old.

Haunting Me...

Unexplained whispers
creaking in the floors
Ghostly sighs and rattles
of the knobs upon the doors

Could it be the house is weary?
All these lives it's had to bear
from dancing in the bedroom
to shrieking, pulling hair

I think that I can hear them,
thoughts telling me to listen
I've heard them many nights
alone, out in the kitchen

The 'fridge' grumbles to itself
as I shut the open door
"I just want a sandwich,
that and nothing more"

Leaving On A Train

Destination anywhere,
frozen tears pierce my skin,
as a bitter wind slaps my face.
Much like the memories of you and this place.

Passersby, in ghostly form,
not really here but not really gone.
The train rolls in, like storm clouds in the sky.
I've never been so glad to say goodbye.

The conductor, in his broken down attire,
bids me good day as I board his vessel.
One way ticket to parts unknown,
no turning back once the whistle has blown.


They skip, they leap, they dance, they fly
Till on their lovers breast they lie,
Up again once more they prance
You may not give a second glance.

As Autumn into Winter flows
Winds pick up and start to blow,
Choose myriad colours from the trees
And start the ball of Autumn leaves.

Do you not watch them as they fly?
From one love to another hie,
While we dance life's eternal waltz
Then like the leaves we end the course.

My Superhero

He wears not a cape of red or gold,
but a shoddy cloak of black and hood.
Sickle in hand, banging on the floor.
A bony finger beckons me, once more.

Hypnotized by the eyes beneath the cover,
Falling in line with every jagged breath,
rhythmically two stepping into his grasp.
Skeletal hands I clasped until death

And as the world around me went black,
my soul weakened as we left,
time was slipping so fast, I was safe at last.
Safe at at last.


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