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Please note - this is a complete list of work. If this is your own work, you can view both published and unpublished (or deleted) work. All other members and guests can only see published work.

Created Updated Type Title
12 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024 poem Cage of cards
8 Sep 2024 8 Sep 2024 poem Glass of yesteryears
22 Jun 2024 22 Jun 2024 poem The blindfolded finder
11 Apr 2024 11 Apr 2024 poem The same prevalent path
30 Mar 2024 30 Mar 2024 poem Wandering eyes
2 Mar 2024 2 Mar 2024 poem Those first steps
30 Jan 2024 30 Jan 2024 poem Faded to time
25 Aug 2023 26 Aug 2023 poem Faintly falling feet
21 Jul 2023 21 Jul 2023 Blog entry I’m in the hospital again
7 Jul 2023 7 Jul 2023 poem A grizzled grazed grin
3 Jul 2023 3 Jul 2023 poem Leaving your last breath
2 Jun 2023 2 Jun 2023 poem Against the wall
28 Apr 2023 28 Apr 2023 poem An uncanny calling
7 Apr 2023 7 Apr 2023 poem Bearing down onto a broken lens
6 Apr 2023 6 Apr 2023 poem Bounded to a broken mirror
22 Mar 2023 22 Mar 2023 Blog entry My health
22 Feb 2023 22 Feb 2023 poem The invisible vagabond
8 Feb 2023 8 Feb 2023 poem Mended in art
8 Feb 2023 8 Feb 2023 Blog entry What’s going on with me
26 Jan 2023 26 Jan 2023 poem The frigid finch
18 Jan 2023 18 Jan 2023 poem The mollified man
7 Jan 2023 7 Jan 2023 poem paling petals of the past
22 Dec 2022 22 Dec 2022 poem Coming towards the light
17 Dec 2022 17 Dec 2022 poem Days of the darkened dove
16 Dec 2022 16 Dec 2022 poem back on the track
7 Dec 2022 8 Dec 2022 poem The unheard hound
5 Dec 2022 5 Dec 2022 Blog entry The surgery
3 Dec 2022 3 Dec 2022 Blog entry My updates
2 Dec 2022 2 Dec 2022 poem Stammering stars
30 Nov 2022 30 Nov 2022 Blog entry In vcu
29 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2022 Blog entry I’m going to vscu hospital tomorrow
27 Nov 2022 27 Nov 2022 poem Fading with you
20 Nov 2022 20 Nov 2022 poem The window of the past
20 Nov 2022 20 Nov 2022 poem The window of the past
7 Nov 2022 7 Nov 2022 poem Where the vine has grown
6 Nov 2022 6 Nov 2022 poem The broken bottle
29 Oct 2022 30 Oct 2022 poem Sullen silken star
22 Oct 2022 22 Oct 2022 poem Drifting from dreams
13 Oct 2022 13 Oct 2022 poem Reaching through the rubble
9 Oct 2022 10 Oct 2022 poem A ghastly guiltless gaze
7 Oct 2022 8 Oct 2022 poem turning towards the forlorn face of fear
3 Oct 2022 3 Oct 2022 poem A forever faded fancy
21 Sep 2022 21 Sep 2022 poem A silent seed
17 Sep 2022 17 Sep 2022 poem Following a flashing flame
14 Sep 2022 14 Sep 2022 poem Drifting day by day
10 Sep 2022 10 Sep 2022 poem Lying amongst mournful mounds
24 Aug 2022 24 Aug 2022 poem the stiffened streams
10 Aug 2022 10 Aug 2022 poem The blank page of life
3 Aug 2022 3 Aug 2022 Blog entry I had the surgery
1 Aug 2022 1 Aug 2022 poem Where the wind has blown
27 Jul 2022 28 Jul 2022 Blog entry My health update
26 Jul 2022 26 Jul 2022 poem A ballerina of blue
24 Jul 2022 24 Jul 2022 poem The fiery fluttering phoenix
9 Jul 2022 9 Jul 2022 poem A hand simply out of reach
7 Jul 2022 7 Jul 2022 poem Soft spoken strokes
7 Jul 2022 7 Jul 2022 Blog entry Health update
3 Jul 2022 3 Jul 2022 poem The flickering light
1 Jul 2022 2 Jul 2022 poem A firm fist
30 Jun 2022 30 Jun 2022 poem Leering lenses
29 Jun 2022 29 Jun 2022 poem The man bearing a broken hand
25 Jun 2022 6 Aug 2024 poem The jovial jester
20 Jun 2022 20 Jun 2022 poem The cautious clown
18 Jun 2022 18 Jun 2022 poem The broken record
8 Jun 2022 8 Jun 2022 poem The reflection of time
30 May 2022 30 May 2022 poem Paul the piano player
17 May 2022 17 May 2022 poem The social stage
15 May 2022 15 May 2022 poem Alone in the night
9 May 2022 9 May 2022 Blog entry How to evoke emotion
4 May 2022 5 May 2022 poem Underneath the limbs life
3 May 2022 4 May 2022 poem The lingering flame
28 Apr 2022 28 Apr 2022 Blog entry How to make poetry effective
28 Apr 2022 28 Apr 2022 poem A single tear
27 Apr 2022 27 Apr 2022 Blog entry What does my writing mean
26 Apr 2022 27 Apr 2022 poem The cryptic crook
22 Apr 2022 22 Apr 2022 Blog entry Did the surgery
21 Apr 2022 21 Apr 2022 poem Misty mammoth mountains
17 Apr 2022 17 Apr 2022 poem the stress stricken street
17 Apr 2022 17 Apr 2022 Blog entry The difference between a song and a poem
16 Apr 2022 16 Apr 2022 poem The person with passion
15 Apr 2022 15 Apr 2022 poem Meeting your gaze
13 Apr 2022 13 Apr 2022 poem Fields of snow
11 Apr 2022 11 Apr 2022 poem A flamboyant flower
11 Apr 2022 11 Apr 2022 Blog entry My hectic relationship with health
29 Mar 2022 30 Mar 2022 poem A stern street lamp
27 Mar 2022 27 Mar 2022 Blog entry Lesson on rhyming and my health
26 Mar 2022 27 Mar 2022 poem Another light
24 Mar 2022 25 Mar 2022 poem A fiery plea
14 Mar 2022 14 Mar 2022 Blog entry Chapter two
14 Jan 2022 16 Jan 2022 Blog entry The story I’ve been writing call where we found ourselves
7 Jan 2022 8 Jan 2022 poem The weary whistle of the wind
25 Dec 2021 26 Dec 2021 poem the thorough thinker
4 Dec 2021 4 Dec 2021 Blog entry my lesson on the difference between a poem and a song
4 Dec 2021 4 Dec 2021 poem The bitter bug
2 Dec 2021 2 Dec 2021 poem Time ticked on
29 Nov 2021 29 Nov 2021 poem A star with a scar
28 Oct 2021 28 Oct 2021 poem Through a lifeline
1 Oct 2021 1 Oct 2021 poem Taking the tears
13 Sep 2021 13 Sep 2021 poem A hopeless heart
4 Sep 2021 4 Sep 2021 Blog entry What’s happening to me
28 Jul 2021 28 Jul 2021 poem Tender heart tied tears
25 Jul 2021 25 Jul 2021 Blog entry Rhythm and tone and rhyming
23 Jul 2021 24 Jul 2021 poem the call of the canary
19 Jul 2021 19 Jul 2021 Blog entry imagery lesson 1
12 Jul 2021 12 Jul 2021 poem rains of relief
28 Jun 2021 29 Jun 2021 poem weeping willow
26 Jun 2021 28 Jun 2021 poem Puzzle pieces
23 Jun 2021 26 Jun 2021 poem A man of thought
10 Jun 2021 10 Jun 2021 poem Your eyes of blue
6 Jun 2021 6 Jun 2021 poem Dawns early light
3 Jun 2021 7 Jun 2021 poem Here I sit and here I stare
28 May 2021 28 May 2021 poem Words are like the birds
17 Apr 2021 17 Apr 2021 poem Spring is calling
15 Apr 2021 15 Apr 2021 poem The song of yore
9 Apr 2021 17 Apr 2021 poem A royal red rose
6 Mar 2021 6 Mar 2021 Blog entry My fifth brainsurgery
20 Feb 2021 21 Feb 2021 poem Mind like a lark
12 Feb 2021 12 Feb 2021 poem Leaves of life
31 Jan 2021 3 Feb 2021 poem Sailing into the eye
19 Jan 2021 19 Jan 2021 poem As I remember
13 Jan 2021 13 Jan 2021 poem The world replies
3 Jan 2021 3 Jan 2021 poem A clear white canvas
1 Jan 2021 1 Jan 2021 poem Milky white sail
19 Dec 2020 19 Dec 2020 poem The eye of light
12 Dec 2020 12 Dec 2020 poem Wind’s way to yesterday
11 Dec 2020 11 Dec 2020 poem The sweet stream of Silence
10 Dec 2020 10 Dec 2020 poem Dear shadow
7 Dec 2020 8 Dec 2020 poem Sitting in a cell
5 Dec 2020 6 Dec 2020 poem Life’s tower wilting by the hour
3 Dec 2020 3 Dec 2020 poem We’re The men of many scars
28 Nov 2020 29 Nov 2020 poem tipped into the tides of time
19 Nov 2020 19 Nov 2020 poem When the end draws near
18 Nov 2020 18 Nov 2020 poem The eyes of you
14 Nov 2020 17 Nov 2020 poem The weary wild wind
5 Nov 2020 5 Nov 2020 poem Yesteryears
3 Nov 2020 17 Nov 2020 poem The bright brown sparrow
28 Oct 2020 28 Oct 2020 poem Sitting on a star
25 Oct 2020 25 Oct 2020 poem the last thing I saw
22 Oct 2020 22 Oct 2020 poem Humanity’s moon
18 Oct 2020 19 Oct 2020 poem my sea of sorrow
15 Oct 2020 15 Oct 2020 poem The queer quiet quail
13 Oct 2020 13 Oct 2020 poem little light house
12 Oct 2020 12 Oct 2020 poem The sweet silver swallow
10 Oct 2020 11 Oct 2020 poem the mindset of vengeance
8 Oct 2020 8 Oct 2020 poem The cry’s of the lustrous lark of life
3 Oct 2020 5 Oct 2020 poem Lovely night with you
29 Sep 2020 30 Sep 2020 poem To keep this dream alive
26 Sep 2020 30 Sep 2020 poem My old doll
25 Sep 2020 26 Sep 2020 poem The journey of life
23 Sep 2020 9 Oct 2020 poem life is a dove
2 Sep 2020 5 Sep 2020 poem We dance in the night
28 Aug 2020 29 Aug 2020 poem While I Watch the sunset
27 Aug 2020 29 Aug 2020 poem The wind of war
20 Aug 2020 20 Aug 2020 poem Toy tin soldier
16 Aug 2020 2 Sep 2020 poem When my mind starts to wonder
9 Aug 2020 12 Aug 2020 poem The ways of the days of the corona virus (August contest)
7 Aug 2020 24 Sep 2020 poem The man in the night
6 Aug 2020 12 Aug 2020 poem Sands of time (august contest)
30 Jul 2020 13 Oct 2020 poem The white walls
28 Jul 2020 13 Aug 2020 poem When you are alone
27 Jul 2020 27 Jul 2020 poem Not trying is worse than trying
25 Jul 2020 8 Aug 2020 poem Letter to myself (August Contest)
24 Jul 2020 24 Jul 2020 poem Enigma
22 Jul 2020 9 Oct 2020 poem A Simple man
20 Jul 2020 28 Sep 2020 poem America
20 Jul 2020 20 Jul 2020 Idea Poem called America
19 Jul 2020 9 Oct 2020 poem The mask.
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.