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Editing - draft

the afternoon before the great storm

the grass quivered slightly with thickening tension,
dark clouds like graphite smudge fell hard off dusk’s shoulder
Diffused to cover the bloodied sun
that already has been given its last rites to sink.

on the horizon where the stars and frosted glass table sea merge,
flocks of seabirds emerge under the gray low light
as if a volley of arrows shot inland from invisible ships
following closely, the low waves of foaming spilled cream
crashing onto the bayonet rocks in the shore.

Remembered Loves...

Vignettes of lover's arms and lips
born from long ago
I'm firmly in the today
but I wanted them to know

You gave me nights of passion
light in days of sorrow
You taught me how to love
to think about tomorrow

So now that I have brought you
all to fore of mind
The ones that still live on
I hope don't think of me unkind

Because, no matter how we parted
there are memories sweet
I choose to remember them
instead of pictures of defeat


To have a sphere of friends
In high orbit, above, around
Like satellites in good repair
With clear sight lines to the ground
Send them signals, they bounce back
Invisible and without sound
Moves me at the speed of light
To a place where I am found


I miss her in the way that sometimes people say
"Covid is over"
I mean, we're all acting like its over
But its still everywhere
In the form of her things around my house
She used to take my breath away
And now its taken away by muffled sobs
I dont think ill ever shake this aching in my heart


This vast and fragile heart
Which has broken so many times
Never ceases to coerce the mind
Despite the missing pieces lost
During the shattering and
Every subsequent reconstruction


I’m not broken
I am a collection of
Unhelpful thoughts and
Unhealthy behaviors
Dearly earned as means of
preservation of a self
That was never me

Eat my words

a wrongful truth of warm citrus and lumpy water
watching my mouth move in curls and downturns
a discolored sock of clay and a screaming blossom tree
watching my wrinkles in a whirlpool licking the tide of my eyebrows
an ink splotch on a white flock and a rotten slice of apricot
watching my stranger eyes staring back into me a rising blue tornado of delirium
a smell of vomit bleaching flesh and a hasty bee prick
watching my face melt from the ceiling and playing with the noose
an imposing stench and the scent of decaying beauty

Spirals Entangled

Whose attraction is such
May i orbit you forever
Entangled in a spiral dance
Envied by the earth and moon
Gravity can but observe in dismay
Even her pull can not pull me away

Stop romanticising immortality, dear butterfly

Life eternally surrounds him,
Shifting through time
Dancing around his scythe
Like a butterfly in the wind
Blissfully unaware
Of its imminent death
Flirtation with Grim Reaper
Being the one true thing
Keeping her heart beating
Toying and teasing
He watches her grow old
Imortalising her youth
But at what cost?
For a romance with the grim reaper
Has never been known
To be one of stability
Or compassion.

The News

One day I woke up
To the most beautiful revelation
That somehow, unseen and unheard
The life I so desperately sought
Engulfed my very being
It walked through once closed doors
Sat on the couch and reclined tired feet
“It’s been so long, It said.
“Tell me what’s new.”


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