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Editing - draft

Enticing Autumn

These first fingers of frost
Encroaching swift and ever regular
Enticing Autumn to relinquish her embrace
Harken the rise of Winter’s heart
To whom they owe their reverence
Illuminated by dawns early rays
A legion of crystalline adherents
Stand perched upon the brink of rapture

Can I have my life back

Why am I still here?
Why do you insist on keeping down me here,
Just to make my life more miserable.
Why do you make me hang on?
Hold on for dear life when I’ve been slowly loosing it.
Why do you take away all my fun, everything I do in life to enjoy,
I wanted to live, but everything that’s worth living for, you took from me.
Being happy everyday, trying to be faithful,
I’m crumbling inside, lying to everyone.
I plead with you, and you don’t answer.
I beg for my life back, but I don’t receive.

Ephemeral Love

Ephemeral love,
A bittersweet kind,
Love of the body,
As well as the mind,

Like the rise of the sun,
It’s glow lasts a short while,
When said and done,
It leaves only memories that linger,

Of a connection so strong and deep,
A river whose current pulls lost souls in,
Making them whole after a leap,
Coming out reborn into a world anew,

I long for less longing

Oh you, my darling, are my heart's desire
But love is fleeting and it might not last
My angel and my devil will conspire
My will is fragile as if made of glass

I wish I could say that it's all your fault
Your beauty and your smile, they make me cave
I'll lock away my fears inside a vault
Though tempted, I won't take this to my grave


Colorless, a weighted haze
Your eyes are blanketed
Your touch is callous
Skinny fingers with thick beaded rings
Ugly jewels to hide the obscene

Torn up jeans
with safety pins down broken seams
A familiar pair of shoes
Whose laces fray
But you are too afraid to lose

Chipped nail polish
Chapped and broken skin
Snowing from your lips
Through the little hairs on your chin

Dancing and skiing
Past mountains
Of upturned acne
And downturned dimples

The Gigantic Tome of Poems...

Is there somewhere that exists
a gigantic tome of words?
A place my thoughts are saved
roosting spots for little birds

For thought can fly and words can live
tethered to each other
I want to know if they survive
once read by my brothers

Are they simply laid aside
when they are read and done
or do they live on forever
warmed by an eternal sun?

A repository built with love
a place where they can rest
Are the great ones left alone
to take their place among the best?

I pray that god will like my world

It’s you if you would see yourself,

    on the days when the sun sets early


Its you if love was easier to eat

    and food, to pass


I’d say it's you if I had the words

    or could transcribe the notes


If you could click your heels

    to sow your wild oats


Its you if you prayed to god

    trusting he will like your world


Night Owl

The roads go one way, like closed questions, I just moved from London, if I drop you here is that ok, I'm weary enough to dismiss directions, no fear in scarcity, too full cut to be afraid.

Nocturnal, not how it should be. No talons, or visions, or sound rebounding against my
tantrums, no keyring on the spare key i keep losing, just like the first one, just the same.

You wouldn’t hold me, how embarrassing for me, of course you were right, still I was painfully
lonely, and so fucking tired.

It's A Miracle...

I thought the word was marvelous
and so, I wrote it down
Then I looked to see
and the word was really miraculous
Now, what do I do?
I just change the word I thought was marvelous
to make it miraculous
and send it right off to you.

Now, before I send it this time
I will check to make quite sure
that it really is miraculous
and not marvelous
so, I can change it before I do

Miraculous Marvels

Miraculous marvels,
A state of mind,
A state of being,
A state of thought.

Miraculous marvel made by one,
Through actions of good conscience,
Meeting up with luck,
Creating a powerful combination.

Fate has also dealt its hand,
As miraculous marvels are only so often,
That they make one appreciate such things,
As they are not ordinary nor commonplace.


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