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Editing - draft

Lively Dead Blossoms

This prose is soaked in tears
It is the product
Of minds that never blink
Wounds that never heal

People that have betrayed
Lovers that have quarreled
Childhoods gone wrong
The first blossoms of red.

These pretty swaying words
In the winds of the storm
Standing still
Never breaking

Until they are broken clean
From their roots.
March on through the fields
Covered in dead blooms

New opportunities seen
And tunneled through black ink.

Achy Hands

When I don’t know what to write
I feel my hand aching to move and
my heart begging to be heard
but the words don’t flow,
my hand feels stuck,
and my heart is
left alone.

Everything feels so heavy.
My head has hurt for days
My eyes have tears that won’t fall.
They want to, but they can’t.
They won’t.

Up on The Rooftop... [Neo. Challenge of December]

Up on The Rooftop,
damn, this is slick!
Up with decorations
Rudolph gives me a kick

As I turned my back
I'm sure heard him say
Santa can't land here
with that big ****ing sleigh

Just leave us alone
we don't want to sit
on top of your house
amid the pigeon-shit

As I took down the ladder

I was scared of them now...

I thought maybe I'll work
with a manger and a cow

The Artist (Old Soul)

I have never been to Rome
Though I feel the worn cobble stones
Sliding beneath my feet with every step
Striding time in leaps and bounds

I turn around and retrace the footprints
I see them in the distant past
Emerging from La Grotte de Lascaux
Where resides an ancient gallery

My hands remember the feel of ochre
An echo of excoriated skin revisits my fingers
As a multitude of beasts breathe and live
In the cavern’s flickering firelight

Chances and Choosing...

Who knows where they might have been
if not for chance and choosing?
You chance to be somewhere because...
it's staying there or moving

Butterfly wings make a difference
see their beauty in the sun
Show them to another person
make plans to have some fun

Chance, is an accidental meeting
Choosing is what you do
I took a chance, making plans
when I found that I love you

Yes, the wings of a butterfly
can make a difference too
And the wind can change tomorrow
as may what you choose

i wonder.

sun drags itself past pieces of broken ceramic clouds
hovering above the blanket of thick feverish wet air at sea level
as though a drop of melted butter slid off the platter
and into the great blue tablecloth leaving a stain.
the worst has passed, but the foul-smelling streets
are still partially flooded in many places
yet to completely dry.
there are patches of floating green algae beginning to clump
into masses resembling tiny islands seen from space,
while some bigger ones are reminiscent of river deltas

My sleep being deep and brief
Waking to the new moon sky
Out under the stars I step
Time suspended in my eye

A shining perfect orchestration
Singing down from up above
Performing double brightly
Songs of universal love

These questions with half answers
Become a lavender sunrise
The stars have reached crescendo
They’re saying their goodbyes

They leave, and leave me thankful
On this and every single day
Grateful is a habit now
Love will always find a way

Mellifluous Melodies

Melodies intertwined like gold filigree,
Mellifluous melodies must they be,
Echoing within cathedral walls,
A voice from which emotion calls,

Ancient, enticing and drawing one in,
To experiences never done or places never been,
Connecting with something not known,
Something felt but not shown,

As the chants come louder and unite,
A feeling of resolution and right,
A single voice to end what always had been,
Only to hear and never seen,

To some a deeper meaning drawn,
To others a mellifluous melody gone.


I know that I'm good enough for me today
I know the mistakes I made yesterday are lessons
I know some lessons take repeating the same mistakes
I know that I have little control
I know the control I do have lives in my thinking
I know I'm worthy of love because I love myself
I know self love is the root of my happiness
I know my happiness attracts meaningful relationships
I know these relationships perpetuate the habit of self love


What we wish all our lives
Is for days to rush and hurry,
Until the next paycheck comes,
How to survive we always worry.

Trapped in a loop, we all are,
Running only to stand still.
We may even sell the car
Just to pay some f**king bill.

Brain fools itself into thinking
A small difference can be made,
But somehow life’s final bill
Ends up being overpayed.

If only we could hit the brakes
While hurtling to our crate,
But there’s nothing we can do,
Nothing but accelerate.


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