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Editing - draft

Nostalgic twilight

I've been staring in the mirror where the pieces are cracked, waiting on a life that I'll never get back, pulling on my memories desperate for any slack. But no amount of struggle can get me over being so attached, so once again I take a deep breath, & dive into all the black

The Salesman.

One day at a house not far from here,
I met a man selling dark voices,
Not smitten with this patter noise,
I thought, no matter, you have a choice,

As all things in the business of being do,
If not, then what business are you here to do?


Somewhere deep within my core
Heart and mind and soul and more
Safe havens there in which I store
Endearing thoughts for evermore

Forever welcome at your door
Often counted, number four
Sleeping guest upon your floor
A place a felt I could be more

I could spread my wings and soar
An eagle circling distant shores
Bluffs break waves with crashing roars
That wash away invented flaws

Letter to the Mothers of Poets

It is some form of magic
ancient forces of ambiguity
That gives birth to poetry

Secret messages delivered
To the womb at light speed
Encrypted for the few brave enough to listen

Transmuted by pain and love
Selfless sacrifice of child birth
Doth become this mother of creation

Worlds of words await audience
Perched on lips like so many starlings
Who upon revelation, are given to flight

Blessed are the few lucky ones
Present of mind and clear of sight
Who bear witness to such incantations

Rise! pale white crocus of spring
Eternal love that never dies
Mortician’s stitches, her limbs now stirring
My would be bride opens her eyes

No apparition or mirage
Neither psychoactive effects
Of ganja smoke or liquid ghosts
Could make my lover sit erect

She scans the scene with empty eyes
That come to rest upon my gaze
She smiles big and opens wide
Let me tell you what she says…

My Love, My Rotting Leaves... Part #2

Witch doctor Mumbo-Jumbo
is pretty good I hear
He's filled the air with magic
and drunk a case of beer

Chicken feet are burning
Man, there's quite the stench
I swig a nasty beer
my thirst, it doesn't quench

Now, the haze of Ganja
makes my eyes turn red
I see her body twitch
soon, she will be undead!

The Reflection

Six feet under and still my mind is wandering
My choices I am pondering,
Should I have cared more for those I love,
Should I have supported the white dove,

The time a loved one passed should I have wept,
Or should have I let no one see me sweat,
The time I left those I care for, trying to chase a dream,
What will they think when I am never again seen,


I sit often and cry
Not because I am hopeless
These wild tears are the result of
An over abundance of hope
Misplaced in a myriad of intention

To My First Teacher

To my first teacher,
It started with colors and sounds
to manners and practice
"Say thank you, yes ma'am, and no sir"
As time went on you'd teach me how to read
the hardest of words
and well,
try to get math through my head
From phonics to Physics
you were there
with a cookie and a gold star ahead
But I sit here and see
your skins aging faster and your voice grows
more coarse
and time soon will cease for you to teach me
any longer
I sit here, and realize


The earth ain’t round it’s flat
That’s no lie, it’s fact
How do I know I hear you ask
Well I stood at the edge, looked down
Saw the burning floor through the slits in my mask

Cover stories, secrets, and deceit
Our thoughts sent to war
To make truth from the lies to make our lives of slavery complete

There is no truth, it’s all been removed
Fucked with, messed up and turned upside-down
Twisted, stretched, burnt, and drowned


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