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Editing - draft


Your lies flow like water into me,
they seep through the cracks of my self-esteem
and damage the fragile foundation on which I am built.

Your approval is poison,
Intoxicating electricity.
Not unlike the air I breathe,
I crave it, purely for survival.

Your voice is the earth on which I stand.
When you quake, I quake.
Shaking loose the already damaged walls
and leaving my life
falling to pieces

Your touch burns me from the inside out.
It hurts and I need it
And I hate it.

Amongst the twisted wreckage
No water could be found
No grog would be had
All potable drink was scuttled
Along with our benefactor
Upon the coral canyon beneath
Many drops now diffuse
into an inhospitable sea
Infinite flagons of taunting thirst
All save one…
Twelve and one hundred crates
Lined the bounds of my sandy prison
Our soggy captain surrendered
His most precious of cargoes

Sapphire's Song...

Color her world purple
for she is royalty
Dancing to a different drummer
she's not like you and me

Her given name is Sapphire
don't you dare forget it
She's a jewel that's shining
like no one you have met

See the world just staring
purple haze and purple sky
She's royalty, bow down
she's the sparkle in your eye

Purple diamonds and lilac blooms
Violet dreams of fame
She sings just like an angel
and the devil takes the blame

Summertime Blues

Today I walked
With your hand in mine
Down a starry-eyed beach
But only in an image

Taken so long ago
I forget the date
The time the place
I just know that moment is timeless

It transcends an age
It travels through the world
In the pocket of a girl
Who misses her picture perfect

Through summer months
And blues and tears and miles
This image remains
It is beautiful and whole


In the stillness, I feel my heart heavy
ready to write
and feel
and live.

Ready to write what I’ve known to always be true
and move someone other than me.

Ready to feel what I’ve always ignored.
This time it’s better than before.
This time it feels real.

Ready to live for me,
be whatever I want to be…
whoever I want to be.

A poet,
A dreamer,



Another's hands

have warmed your world

swimming in your ocean of desire

invading our private sanctuary

you disclosed secret locations

that were created by us as lovers

while playing our music

you noticed the curve of her thigh

her warm breath on your lips

as your soul slid into her rapture

gently you held the arch of her back

as your momentary pleasure tore apart

the fortress stronghold of our loving

alone we are pitiable weak and bleeding

I turned Into A Savage...

I am truly ravenous
in an awful state
Stomach touching backbone
I can't remember when I ate

It must be a while ago
my vision's growing dim
Legs are getting shaky
my vigor's lost it's vim

The scent of barbecue
wafting down the street
making my mouth water
It sure would be a treat!

But my procedure in an hour
shouldn't have a trace
of fecal-matter in there
said the doctor with a face

About You...

About You...

something in the way

you take my hand

caress my cheek

gaze into my eyes

breathe my name

kiss my throat

fondle my nape...

we undulate



tangled limbs

of a work in progress

Something about you causes

my mouth to dry

breath to catch

pulse to race

body to sing...

The chorus

of the music of our souls

Gardening With A Gun...

I had him in my sights
I was about to shoot
The culmination of our fights
he ate the blossoms of my fruit

The morning dawned so brightly
blue skies were overhead
he was centered in my scope
a little squeeze, and he'd be dead!

I was sitting in my blind
he was so unaware
Silken fur, and shining brown
bright-eyed without a care

A moment more was needed
What's that, another furry fiend?
A little version of his mommy!
I was about to scream

My new language.

His feet, couldn’t tip the ground. White.

What does it really mean ? - touching

If You feel,
And I ask,

Would I touch your nerve?

Is it touching, or is touching something brave.

If You touch,
I could allow it.

Because each person has different feelings,
Books just cover it with a simple colour, timbre,
a delicate question.


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