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Life is a Bully

My name is John and I have been dealing with bi-polar since 1971, in my youth it wasn’t so.
My home in all its cozy warmth with varied friendships, a brethren of colorful personalities.
Roller-skating in my best friend’s cellar in circles around the coal boiler, our exciting world.
My life colorful from birth with all the mischief a child could navigate, eggs thrown at the neighbors.
We were all who we were, and acceptance was exploring forest land uncharted, together.

Ma always said that I was impressionable, call someone a dog and I would bark at them.
I was a follower in a race that never ended, in my youth I was a marble following a bowling ball.

Ma moved us all to her dream environment, a lake with fishy odor and an inboard called Red Devil.
My world turned to dark contrast, there in that small town where I was like the unmix of water on oil.
Rejected by my peers for seeking undue attention, like chasing girls for a scare.
Just needed to be under wings, as I had been, looked out for by my peers once kindred spirits.
Just wanted friends, Instead, was a target for acceptance, but had no bow and arrow to shoot back.
Constant bullying made me one to strike out, at everything, I became Bully known as a shrew to all.
Takes one to know one and there were a lot of ones, rejection is a strife, I was alone.

But It is said time heals all wounds, but the scars, the scars remain, they just get tough as leather.
Being bullied made me who I am, I have looked at acceptance from both sides now and I am strong.
~Life is a Bully~

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hello, Mark,
Life can be extremely traumatizing. These experiences you've mentioned are heartbreaking. I'm so glad the poem ends with an outcome of courage and such strength.
Thank you,

There is so much around the web about bullies that I decided writing about it in it's reality that is it can often be a two sided coin. John was bullied for his weakness so he in turn bullied those weaker than he was and that left scars of a different sort (regret).
I'm pleased that it came out to be an understood strength in the end.

author comment

You are wonderful!

author comment

Back Atcha! Inspiring poem!

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