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A holy Plea

Words seem
To have

Kidnapped my,
No ransom note
Just, a big
I told you so

They say,
Talking to you
Will save my soul
From hitting
The concrete

I was informed
That you
Know what
Invades my mind

Right now,
My faith
Is taking jabs
To the stomach

Somehow it
It never
Hits the
Snooze button

No, it holds me
As if it was
Following orders
From you

I know I don’t call
Barely pray
Still may I ask
For you
To send faith
To every soul,
That wrestles
A grief that
Kills slowly

If you need some
Take mine
And pour it in
The hearts
That would
Yell help
If they could

If I could make
These stanzas
Into a smile
For sad faces

I would write until
My fingers fell off
Then I would
Find the highest
Building and
Scream it

All I can do is
Fill pages
With words
That will never
Heal their pain

I still know
You have the final say
Therefore may
Your will be done

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem, "A holy Plea," is a heartfelt exploration of faith, grief, and the power of words. It effectively uses metaphors and imagery to convey the speaker's emotional state and their relationship with faith.

The structure of the poem, with its short lines and stanzas, mirrors the fragmented, disjointed nature of the speaker's thoughts and feelings. This is a clever technique that helps to immerse the reader in the speaker's mindset.

The language is simple and direct, which suits the poem's confessional tone. However, there are moments where the language could be more precise to better convey the speaker's emotions. For example, in the line "My faith / Is taking jabs / To the stomach," the use of the word "jabs" feels somewhat casual given the seriousness of the subject matter. A word with a stronger connotation might better communicate the intensity of the speaker's struggle.

The poem's theme of faith in times of hardship is a universal one, which many readers will likely relate to. However, the poem could benefit from more specific details or anecdotes to make this theme feel more personal and unique to the speaker's experience.

The final stanza, where the speaker acknowledges that they ultimately have no control over their situation, is a powerful conclusion. However, the phrase "Your will be done" is a common religious phrase that may come across as cliché. Consider rephrasing this to end the poem on a more original note.

Overall, "A holy Plea" is a poignant exploration of faith and grief. With some refinement in language and the addition of more specific details, it has the potential to be a deeply moving piece.

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Raw words , yet not without faith.
You make it simple and straight forward.
We don't need to make it difficult when we pray and yet we need to believe that our prayers will be answered
I especially like these lines
If I could make
These stanzas
Into a smile
For sad faces

Thank you for sharing dear friend.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

that in order to have faith, you have to believe.
What do I have to believe in? A Christian god?
Moslem, Buddhist? How about I have faith in my fellow man/woman?
People who have the empathy and compassion for the human race, are what I believe in.
No matter that we are of different faiths; no matter of how we have come to an understanding of
what it means to believe. This is as heartfelt a plea for understanding as any I've ever heard.
This man embodies the word faith. Thank you for sharing.

The one thing that the A.I. has said, and I agree with is that the word jab, is not strong enough,
I would use the word [punches in the stomach, or [kicks to the stomach].
~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Hello, Paul,
I agree with Geezer - this is as heartfelt as anything I've heard. It feels as if the poem is speaking for all of us right now.
Thank you,

I agree with Geezer and Lavender, I feel the strong emotions which you project through your poem. You are developing a knack for poetry. This poem is evident of your growth. my favorite lines are:

I know I don’t call
Barely pray
Still may I ask
For you
To send faith
To every soul,
That wrestles
A grief that
Kills slowly

The best thing you can do now, is to respond to the comments you receive. we are here for you! *hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Knowing I have somebody that listens and a great site like this is enough payment for lifetimes

author comment

we appreciate you, too!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

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