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Keep talking,
Telling me
What I can do.

Don’t mistake
My silence
For fear.

I don’t need a fight;
I take side streets
So I can make you trip
On your own shoelaces.

Failure, you say?
Thank you for the fuel,
My tank was empty.

I treat odds
Like a midnight snack,
So keep serving
Them freely.

Surrender, you demand?
You would have a better
Chance waking up
The sun
In the middle of the night.

I’m the type of soldier,
Running into battle
With my arm in a sling.

I have been eating your words
For so long, there’s a dictionary
In my small intestine.

Fear, is this your best?
My courage is asking
If it can take
Two months off.

Remind me,
You said I wouldn’t make it,
I was going to fail.
Really, wrong move.
Now I say checkmate.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Checkmate" presents a strong narrative voice and a clear theme of resilience and defiance. The metaphors and similes used throughout the piece effectively convey the speaker's determination and tenacity. However, there are a few areas that could benefit from further refinement.

Firstly, the poem could be more consistent in its use of metaphor. The speaker is referred to as a "soldier," but also uses metaphors related to driving ("My tank was empty") and eating ("I have been eating your words"). While these are all effective individually, they could potentially confuse the reader when used together. A more consistent metaphorical framework could enhance the overall coherence of the poem.

Secondly, the poem could benefit from a more nuanced exploration of the speaker's emotions. While the defiance and resilience are clear, there could be more depth added by exploring the speaker's doubts, fears, or moments of weakness. This would add complexity to the character and make their triumph at the end of the poem more satisfying.

Lastly, the final line "Now I say checkmate" is a powerful conclusion, but it might be more impactful if the chess metaphor was introduced earlier in the poem and developed throughout. This would make the final line feel like a culmination of the poem's themes, rather than a new idea introduced at the end.

In conclusion, the poem is effective in conveying a strong, defiant voice, but could be improved by more consistent use of metaphor, a deeper exploration of the speaker's emotions, and a more developed use of the chess metaphor.

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This is magnificent poem! The words of a true warrior... I love the mindset . I feel the sincerity of your words in my gut. Just as I once felt them in my own life, when I was attacked by an enemy. I have two sets of verses of lines that I really love
Failure, you say?
Thank you for the fuel,
My tank was empty.

and #2
I have been eating your words
For so long, there’s a dictionary
In my small intestine.

An extremely excellent poem!

*you are fast becoming one of my favorite poets, hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Happy you're here cat. Keep giving us your comments

author comment

Another powerful piece. Imagery and metaphor work hand in hand to enhance the whole thing through out. I agree with AI that the last line is a killer and would be even more powerful if you could utilize the other chess-pieces earlier.
Saying so however, I assure that's only a reluctant suggestion as I like the poem as is and truly praise your pen.
Thank you for sharing
Keep up the good work.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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For taking the time and sharing your thoughts Thank you

author comment

Hello, Paul,
I'm guessing the antagonist here is a narcissistic bully. What powerful and clever language you've used by showing your reaction rather than directly describing their personality. You get the last word - checkmate!
Thank you!

To hear from you and your feedback

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