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All the love I want

Unconditional love
You gave me your all
Amd my life all of a sudden
In your arms has begun,
Under your endless care
For me giving it back is only fair.

If I started to feel the sun,
It's all thanks to you
The only place where I belong
All I ever wanted by my side,
All I want throughout my life
Has and will always be you.

So accept this modest attention
From the bottom of my heart
An invite to the purest of emotions,
Because nothing is more meaningful,
For me than saying how much I love you.
And that I will always do.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem demonstrates a clear understanding of the theme of love and affection. It effectively uses direct address to create intimacy and a sense of conversation. However, there are several areas where the poem could be improved.

1. Consistency in Meter and Rhythm: The poem lacks a consistent meter or rhythm. This inconsistency can be disorienting for the reader and disrupt the flow of the poem. It is suggested to revise the poem with a consistent meter in mind.

2. Use of Clichés: The poem relies heavily on clichés such as "you gave me your all", "the only place where I belong", and "from the bottom of my heart". While these phrases can be effective in moderation, their overuse can make the poem feel unoriginal. It is suggested to replace these clichés with more unique and specific imagery.

3. Show, Don't Tell: The poem tells the reader about the speaker's feelings rather than showing them. For example, instead of saying "For me giving it back is only fair", the poem could show how the speaker gives back their love. This would make the poem more engaging and emotionally resonant.

4. Grammar and Punctuation: There are several grammatical errors in the poem, such as "Amd my life all of a sudden" and "Has and will always be you." These errors can be distracting for the reader and disrupt the flow of the poem. It is suggested to revise the poem with careful attention to grammar and punctuation.

5. Use of Abstract Language: The poem uses a lot of abstract language, such as "unconditional love", "endless care", and "purest of emotions". While these phrases can be effective in moderation, their overuse can make the poem feel vague and unspecific. It is suggested to replace these abstract phrases with more concrete and specific imagery.

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