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The Day John Lennon Died

I had lost a child just five days before,
a stillbirth, and so, time was already meaningless.
Hours bled into each other, and heavy thoughts
settled around me like a fog - cold and empty.

And then came such irrational news that December evening.
Shots fired.
The Catcher in the Rye.
Lennon, dead.

Many people heard the news while
watching a Monday night football game -
New England Patriots and Miami Dolphins.
Others woke the next morning only to be
numbed and confused. Deeply saddened.
Immensely sorrowed.

I remember hearing he had been doing well,
a happy father, a peaceful life,
an Annie Liebovitz photo shoot on that very day
that would speak volumes, quietly suffusing
the world with both love and loss.

What do we imagine when we grieve?
Nothing? Everything?
Someone forgot to wake us up again,
hold the heavy thoughts at bay,
rerun a football game without disruption
and let a legend simply live.

I sat in an empty nursery that night.
I don't recall imagining anything at all.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


I was watching T.V. probably just finished the 11:00 p.m. news. On my way to the bathroom, I heard the newscaster say;
"John Lennon has been shot and killed outside of his Dakota residence. I forgot that I had to go... It took almost an hour for me to remember. I sat there, wondering why? Why would anyone shoot John Lennon? I was stunned and had to believe that maybe it wasn't true; maybe it was some insane joke. I think that you have captured the mood of the world well. What would
John have done if he hadn't been killed?
Imagine! I love this! Nothing that I would change. ~ Geez.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

A completely unimaginable moment that stunned the world. Thank you, as always, for reading and sharing your thoughts and memories about this. One of those "Where were you when..."

author comment

Hi Lavender.

Although the song American Pie that spoke "the day the music died" was not referring to John, it is appropriate to think that it could have been.
I was among those watching football when they broke in for a news flash. Why, oh why?

Thanks for a wonderful poem. - Will

Yes, indeed...why? We all have our own recollection of what we were doing and going through that terrible day / evening.
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!

author comment

I think I'll always remember the two different events as one joined sorrowful time. Thank you so much for reading!

author comment

Are you channelling, Bukowski. By any chance?
Powerful piece you got there lav !


I am always so grateful when you stop by.
Thank you!

author comment

When Lennon died but I can only imagine what it felt like to his fans, his followers and his family. I am sorry for your loss, L. I could feel your pain and emptiness within the poem as you grieved. Sending lots of hugs.


The two events will always be as one, for me. We all have memories of certain events - "Where were you when..." I appreciate your kind words and thoughts.
Thank you!

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