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Editing - draft

Magic Cookies...

Baking "Magic" cookies today
staying nice, what it's all about
Start the stove, pre-heat that thing
get the ingredients out

Smell of sugar, flour, vanilla
Carmel drops and all things nice
I add the last ingredient
It's my one and only vice

Whir of mixer, relaxing
Heat of the stove, the oven
I'll get it all together
On baking pans and then...

Nice warm cookies, cup of tea
I feel the glow of magic
Couldn't be any better
My favorite cookies do the trick

Pandora's Box

Indulge yourself in this fictitious tale
About a girl who removed a lid.
Upon said lid’s abrupt removal
She convinced herself of just approval.
The box she was terribly teased by
Of which the lid was quickly removed,
Proves to us all that temptation’s not easy.
This was Pandora’s box of deadly sins
There were seven of them in total
Because she was mistaking hopeful.
As a result of her hope in the box we can’t cope.
We’re human and our lives are tormented
All because the girl was greedily tempted.

Flinging Spring...

Flinging water everywhere,
the old and chilling breeze
ruffles the feathers of sparrows,
reminding them of the promise.

Warm inside their cozy nests
huddled lovers making songs
built from memories,
that the world will hear tomorrow.

Sealed with the kiss of Autumn,
dreamt of the winter through,
awaiting the awakening,
it's Springtime's little fling.

Fooled Again...

Fooled Again...

Warm breeze dances with cold winds
round and round they go.
Through the trees, wind whipped thin,
hear them sigh and sough.

Flutterbys and hummingbirds
sipping nectar brews,
carry smells and sexiness,
just like precious jewels.

May will gather her bouquet,
Kiss her brow, my favorite sun,
caress her skin with warmth, I say,
she'll love you when you're done.

Spring Ain't Tomorrow...

Devastated with the news of
a late winter storm and black ice,
I was tempted to re hibernate
for the duration

Sweet little child of April,
the spring loaded cherub
of warmer weekends,
I was fooled by the sunshine

Woe is me... the jester grins dark,
and sweet April, mildly amused
promises to love me
next week.

Vampire III

Vampire III

Levitating, He took to the air
and I, with Him, in His arms.
Soon we had arrived at my domicile

we reluctantly parted as I entered.
He bade me, "invite me in." I did so
Retiring to my private bed chamber.

our eyes met in a fathomless depth
His face changing
lips parting, as He drew me in...

White as snow, fangs extruding
biting down hard on my tender neck
I swooned with the shock of it all!

Vampire II

Pacing the paved path as,
I had done the previous night
awaiting my dark acquaintance.

It was moon rise when He appeared
He bade me to sit on the white bench.
Taking my hand to assist me.

I sat, my eyes taking Him in,
Tall, about six foot four, and pale,
with the most piercing green eyes.

I'd had warning not to look too deep
into the pits of Hell, smoldering.
but I was not glamoured by sight!

April Foolish

While strolling down this grassy lane
at a lovely slow meandering pace,
when who should I spot, but a brown Rabbit
decked out in tails, I then gave mad chase...

In his tux, dodging obstacles,
closely I followed, eager to catch him.
I was near, but he vanished down a hole
on his heels, standing at the holes brim

Without thought, I threw myself in.
Down, down, down, down I was ever falling,
hitting the ground upside down with a thump
Rabbit to my right, I began calling

The Rescue

Some called her a rescue dog.
True, I adopted her from the local humane society.
The only home she had ever known was gone,
Her previous owner taken to a nursing home.
I found her there,
Huddled in a concrete-floored run,
Matted, tangled, with an overgrown coat,
And no eyes, it seemed, hidden under her bangs.
Truth to tell, she wasn’t much to see.
My heart ached for this little ink blot curled up on the floor.
She stood and crept to the gate where I stood.
Neck stretched out, she sniffed my hand.

Don't Look a Gift Horse in The Mouth

Although the night was cold
And the rain poured down
The crafty old fox, still felt bold.
He put up with the weather
Because he thought he was clever.
So, he conjured up a plan –
Living nearby was a horse called Gift.
The fox kept his eye, on the horse for a while
Whilst licking his lips – he was hungry, they were dry.
The horse was as fit as a fiddle
Because of the grass he ate - healthy greens.
The fox with white socks and red fur
Could also eat grass but meat he preferred


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