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Editing - draft


Today I feel Human.
And I know I am always human,
But now I notice it.
In the ways my legs ache
With each bend of my knee.
The way my heart sits heavy in my chest
Like a diving ring in a pool
Not going down, just sitting there.
The way my mind races,
And my bones ache for the cold,
Even though I don’t like it anyways.

When It Is There...

I locked onto your eyes of wood-smoke
saw my face mirrored back at me,
full of desirous laughter.
Saw a world of love
as it is there...

Your offered hand
taking mine in yours.
Floating away on your warmth
sensing the stability of your thoughts
as they were there...

Watching words form on your supple lips
is a land of paradise of its own.
There is a rhythm to your words, exhilarating.
A lilt which lifts me up ever higher,
when it is there!


I don’t think you can fully get away from me.
When you’re with her, you’ll feel the ghost of my love.
You’ll open your eyes after kissing her and you’ll think it’s me.

I’ll haunt you everywhere you go.
Every road you drive, every street you walk,
Every goddamn second of your life I’ll be there.

I’ll be waiting, watching, lurking.

I think you killed me.
My soul is not tethered to my body,
My emotions switch on and off at an instant.

My ghost holds all of our secrets now,
So I don’t have to.

I Miss You

We didn't talk today

You couldn't even look at me

But that's not even the worst part

The worst part is...

I know I can't fix it.

I can't turn back the clock
And make a new ending

I can't go back
And do things differently

I can't unsay the things I said
Or undo the things I've done.

So here we are.
Two friends
Turned lovers
Turned strangers once more.

And I can't even tell you I miss you.


I feel your blood drip down my face
As I pick you up from the dirt

My energy is high
My thoughts are focused.

I feel a surge of adrenaline
rush through my veins

Find the wound,
Stop the bleeding,
Numb the pain,

Found the wound,
The bleeding won't stop.

Pressure, pressure,

The bleeding won't stop

Chest compressions, chest compressions,
Chest compressions...
Before I knew it,
You were back in the dirt.

Killer Rush (by: eddy styx)

evil permeated
the room...
where they met to seek
and call out the Doom

the sacrifice was
innocent and unaware,
yet he did agree to
the promises of the affair.

for the sweetness,
kiss of needle to skin
the sharpest prick
drove away thoughts of sin.

a vein is struck as
plunger draws liquid surge,
blood flowing into barrel
slowly as drug and soul merge.

eyes roll back in head as he
is one with his addiction
she is his seductress...
his lover and his affliction!

Grapefruit and Sugar

For all the love I have
Of the sand and sea
The rays of the sun
The rain and the mountains...

For all the love I have
Of yellow flowers
Grapefruit and sugar
The smiles of strangers...

For all the love I have
Of snow and hot showers
Music and sweet coffee
Driving at night...

I love you
Most of all

Our Family Feud...

What's the answer to the question?
When can I be heard?
Things seem to be all wrong
Can you give me another word?

What does it look like from here?
The others might win through a steal
Who can you really trust?
I just don't know how to feel

Talking shit about each other
Jealousy rears its' ugly head
You cannot ever escape
Not even when you are dead

Blood is thicker than water
But not so much as alcohol
Be careful of what you say
The others are building a wall

Rid Myself of You

I've ripped off my skin
I can still feel your touch

I've bitten off my tongue
I can still taste you

I've poured acid in my eyes
I can still see you

I've busted my eardrums
I can still hear you

They say time heals all wounds
I call bullshit

Nothing can cleanse me
From your sins

In the Stars / Drunk Walk Home

I think I saw you in the stars
On my drunk walk home.
The liquor still buzzed in my head
And I was adorned with trophies.
The trophies in question being angry marks
From dark kisses
Of strange men
Whose names I would not remember in the morning.
But for a second,
I saw you in the stars.
I almost called you,
You could’ve talked to the liquor
That was inhabiting my blood.
I’m not sure why I almost called,
I don’t miss you anymore.
Your laugh isn’t the soundtrack of my life,


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