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Editing - draft

I'll Never Know What Could Have Been

I'm grieving the loss of hope
for the future we planned

the loss of the memories
we could have made

the loss of the family
I thought I'd have

the loss of the life
I was promised


And the pain tears at my chest
The pain of never knowing

What would've happened...
What could've been

If I had tried
just one more time...

Happy Hour (by: eddy styx) warning (reworked)

All of his life,
he felt the urges
building inside
a deep stirring
until it broke loose
overcoming him...
time for another kill.
Soft, freshly perfumed meat,
to whet his appetite...

Lonely, she sat
at the end of the bar
listening to the music
from the old jukebox,
it was primed with quarters.

"Have you been writing about me?" You asked.

My love,
my pen knows nothing but
your name

Scarified Heart

I may,
one day,
forgive you

But the heart,
my heart,
will never forget

The Magic of a Love Spell...

In the cool light of a grey dawn,
I look to the entrance of my cave.
The shuffle of the entity holding my heart
is music to my ears.

I peep out and watch eagerly
for the magical beast,
who having yawned and stretched,
now comes into view.

Be still, my beating heart
do not attract unwanted attention,
for she is not yet had time
to consume her magic elixir,
nor think great thoughts.


If I break myself in half
and give you each a piece,
what then is left of me?

A Parallel of Old Souls

I am the hour
of three a.m.
I was born from midnight
most mercurial...
I have since matured
like a vintage wine,
whose body aged through time.
From the whisper of evening
and its premature celebration,
of black velvet night.
I bring dreams,
both restless or serene
I have the ability
to make grown men weep.
I whisper of love and death
into your deepest desires I seep.
I am the silently active hour
that is in parallel
with old souls.

Too Good To Be True

This is the life I never dreamed of.

I dreamed of a life of solitude and silence,
wandering the globe with boots and a rifle,
a family of brothers...

I never dreamed of hearing the pitter patter
of tiny feet in the morning,
dancing in the kitchen,
falling into someone's arms

I never dreamed of this life...
but maybe, I dreamed too small...

This life...
is too good to be true.

Tree Hugger...

When I awoke, I felt so bad
I went to hug my favorite tree
I thought about the fears I had
no one would fear, but me

"Too bad", I thought I heard it say
The bark, it scratched my face
I hugged it all the tighter
As my mind began to race

I'm losing it, I really am
"Too bad", I heard it say
Are my ears deciving me
Have I gone all the way?

"I will comfort you my friend
hold me close again."
Take me down the rabbit-hole
Take from me, my pain.

We Want Our Country Back

There’s something rotten in my country
Violence has gripped this nation,
A mob of far-right fascists
Bringing threats and intimidation.
Called the English defence league
Wrapped up in the Union Jack
Chanting racist filth and abuse
They want their country back.

Online are the propagandists
Posting vitriol and lies
A cesspool on social media
Unfolding before our eyes.
Ten nights of burning and looting
Disorder rules the streets
A tsunami of crime and rioting
Assaulting communities and police.


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