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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A Bully Of Worth!

They do not know why I do what I do,
bunch of chumps calling me misguided.
I laugh at them feeling sorry for me
their perspective is all lop-sided.

I pull the wings off the bugs I catch,
drop them in my big sister's soup,
she deserves it, by my standards, to be sure
what a silly girl, she is the perfect dupe.

I put a garden snake under her pillow
just so I can listen to her screams
maybe she will fall asleep soon as
it permeates her nasty little dreams.

Her new sun

She had always hated the sun shining through and waking her up in the morning
Until the sun had hands wrapped around her waist and soft lips to her forehead

And the sun whispered with a warm breath that he loved her

And now there was no moon

Ask Me To Dance

Ask me to dance.
Reach for my hand and lead me
across the floor.
Pause, then pull me close.

Hold me like a hungry kiss
as the rhythm of my breath slows down
settling some place between your body and mine,
warm and captive, yet somehow

Rest your hand
on the small of my back
where your touch excites my skin
and my inhibitions become

Ask me to dance.

Longing to Belong...

He had grown to be a man,
since his capture as a child.
He'd survived two wars by now,
he was seasoned... but half wild.

Was there anyone still left,
who would remember him?
Was there still a village there,
was there even one last kin?

He had been to life's great school,
he had learned his lessons well.
Lived in paradise, been poor,
been to heaven, gone through hell.

Simple human

Just a small simple human,
A heart that beats, a soul that yearns,
Full of love but often meets hate,
A spirit that burns, but often learns.

I wanted to be something more,
To soar above the mundane shore,
To reach for stars, to touch the sky,
But the world seemed to pass me by.

Sharing inside fire with everyone,
A beacon of warmth, a light that's spun,
Yet shadows dance, and doubts arise,
Can you see it in my eyes?

Sun's Vibe

A Splashed orange juiced hug on a chemist
Of patchwork flowers showing off their
Summer Coats wile pouring out their potpourri
Of sexy perfume,
each warm fingers turning buckets of light
To energy, huddled pettle lips blowing out
a tank of Oxygen.

Savannah, I will this, To you

To walk in the sand at sunset,
The hand of your loved one
Lightly gripping yours.
To feel your bare feet press
Into the beach --
Knowing you belong, perfectly
Right there
The air that is all yours.
To stand surely in your own presence
And know
Life is for you.
Your it. You’re the reason for it.

Bulls Versus a China Figure

The figurine stands,
pristine and fragile,
until the bulls come
and decimate her.
The figure pulls herself
together and stands
with her cracks.

The bulls rampage,
and the figure is
The bulls laugh
harming it further.
She stands on her
own with chips.

After the repeated
onslaughts, she is left
crushed, no longer
knowing her form,
Unable to stand or
reassemble herself,
she is left as dust.

Plea to Grieve

Please God,
let me grieve.
Cut my heart out,
let it bleed.
Sew it up
in little pieces.
Leave me whole
but never completed.

Hear my screams
in silent pain.
Claw at my throat
in horror.
In vain.
Eyes are dry
yet they weep.
On cotton bedding
in my sleep.

Please, whoever,
unburden me.
Release the chains
and set me free.
Allow me peace.
Allow me rest.
Allow the grief in my chest
to flow and ebb
and score my flesh.

Arrivals and departures

In the beginning,
In arrivals.
I started to cry,
Didn't know if or how,
I could flap my wings, and fly.

Then I wandered and roamed,
Stepping out into the fire.
Treaded carefully and slowly,
Hoped to learn,
Tried hard not to burn.

Only life wasn't kind,
Many traps were set.
Evil people came calling,
Clipped my wings,
Sent me falling.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.