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Jane A. Rug

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
poemSneezing fit โ€“ tests nasal septum Jane A. Rug13 days 6 hours ago
poemDefecation accidentally clogged... Jane A. Rug14 days 7 hours ago
poemI leave buying food at the market to the spouse... Jane A. Rug31 week 1 day ago
poemEye (a generic happy go lucky arachnid) hope(d) for a miracle Jane A. Rug11 week 1 day ago
poemEmancipation proclamation from Samson fixation Jane A. Rug11 week 4 days ago
poemMatthew delivers his latest bullet โ€“ tin... Jane A. Rug41 week 5 days ago
poemAftermath from this er... Jane A. Rug12 weeks 8 hours ago
poemDoubting Thomas luxuriates under Dylanesque milkweed Jane A. Rug12 weeks 1 day ago
poemOn becoming a night owl..., Jane A. Rug22 weeks 4 days ago
poemTrumpeting future mercurial villain of history Jane A. Rug12 weeks 5 days ago
poemThis is what I see! Leslie43 weeks 10 hours ago
poemDot dot dot, and in other news devil's advocate claims Teflon Trump Jane A. Rug13 weeks 2 days ago
poemAugust 13th, 2024 โ€“ twenty five plus years since awful series of unfortunate events Jane A. Rug13 weeks 4 days ago
poemFor some enchanted evenings... Jane A. Rug13 weeks 6 days ago
poemThe remnants of August 2024 Hurricane Debbie Jane A. Rug14 weeks 1 day ago
poemAmerica at a critical political crossroads..., Jane A. Rug34 weeks 1 day ago
poemAfter drenching biblical rainfall... Jane A. Rug11 month 4 days ago
poemEye cannot envision not wearing glasses Jane A. Rug11 month 5 days ago
poemAs a mortal man of threescore and five years... Jane A. Rug11 month 1 week ago
poemH8mongers Need Not Apply Mary Beth Magee101 month 1 week ago
poemFriendliness equals self sustaining positive feedback fruit loop Jane A. Rug11 month 1 week ago
poemDusk hoover ring dawn ting task of badinage... Jane A. Rug11 month 1 week ago
poemneither cleanliness nor godliness do I abide Jane A. Rug11 month 1 week ago
poemI (a youthsome, wholesome, jokesome, handsome,... Jane A. Rug11 month 2 weeks ago
poemBank rolled by billionaires Jane A. Rug11 month 2 weeks ago
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