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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A Gun

A gun cause’s harm
To the innocent
Give justice to the guilty
Not so much the gun, but
The soul behind the gun


I am posting this Haiku today and will expand into three other forms tomorrow

A lone poplar leaf
swirling in an autumn wind
a golden ballet

Tomorrow will post i Western Classic, Free Verse, and Parallel forms.............scribbler

Night Shift

While my world sleeps
and the solitude of night
comes crashing in bringing thoughts
which fly around on strings
suspending kites of imagery's
that battle for their place
in mid-flight streams

The tug-o-war
of what was, what is,
and what might be pushes away
the possibility of sweet sleep
I wonder, will I ever rest?
I close my eyes so tight
but all I see on the curtain of my eyes
are the floating ghost
that look like bright lights


a spiral is a nice shape
round and round
up and down
three dimensional too

circles, they're ok
lines are cool
but, spirals-------------
-----(here, speechless)---

and playful
in graceful formulas,
and wonder

spirals wind,
and rewind
and remind me
of the universe
and my connection
with the ALL
and this,
by definition,


Your love asphyxiates, agitating
Stemming my breathe.
I'm struggling for air.

You apply more pressure,
an arm across my neck.
I'm  gasping for freedom.

Suffocating, squeezing so tight,
You're afraid to release me,
Scared I'll take flight.
You overwhelm me.
I’m dizzy and confused,
Losing consciousness.

one more day

one more day

lost chord
is hidden in chaos --

perhaps chaos is lost chord
in disguise

I came into the world screaming
I may stay under protest

but --

listening to lost chord
while still here is
a wonder in itself

midst chaos' clamber
tune keeps me


one more day.


Rest in Peace

Resting in peace beneath the earth
As the life that caused our existence
Goes back to heaven from whence it came
Ending the pain and suffering
Consuming our very soul



We were lying on the grass,
We were talking of the past,
And I told you of my dad's old steel rimmed glasses-
Then, you told me of the man
With another in his hand,
And you couldn't believe that he was making passes...

Then, you spoke to me of touch
And you said it meant so much
To be touched when you are down or just plain lonely-
Now could that be the spark
Made you hold me in the dark-
Though you said you really loved your one and only...

There Was a Time

There Was a Time

WINTER GALE ( edited)

Only the bravest, strongest birds
dare go aloft on such a day
a breeze which whispered now shouts its words
making trees bow deep and sway

The wind which once sighed through tall pines
now strips last leaves from old oak trees
breaking large limbs, snapping small vines
while bending cypress to their knees

It blows the woods' duff into drifts
while lifting harvest's chaff to skies
where all the clouds are rife with rifts
and dust peppers my squinting eyes


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