Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Already the poet may be here
or he may be yet to come.
The time it may well be far or near
when souls cease to be so numb
due to a scribe who makes us See.

And the words will flow with truth
which touches all who choose to read
be they withered, be they blushed with youth,
of each religion, sex or creed.
They'll read the words and all agree.

Then each will look at one another
and love the ones they used to curse
realizing that they're each a brother
having heard the song of the universe.
We'll hear the sound and be set free.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
"The song of the universe" ...the phrase just popped into my empty head lol
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


nice sentiment...but who needs heaven on earth. I'd invoke the "grandfather clause"...I like some commotion, and I'm not the bad guy.

I still like the poem, maybe you could be that poet.
Reads real smooth to me.
Be proud of this one.

Praise to Stan



Heaven? I'd settle for just a bit less hatred lol.......and I Know I'm not that poet.........stan

author comment

This could be THE poem!
As Al said, a great sentiment and it has an easy flow about it.
I like this poem very much. Jx

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

Naw, the poem would have to be written by a Real poet not a bumbler like me.......stan

author comment

Oh Lovedly you cynic you :-)
You would probably say realist :-) Jx

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

from thee
as your poetry is
awfully lovely


But we can always hope can't we?

author comment

Choked on my glass of wine then........ :-) Jx

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

The poet's already here
beating upon his drum,
the message he brings is clear
don't listen to the humdrum,
his one and only plea

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

indeed be already here but not yet known. And NO I never meant for anybody to think I was declaring myself the poet lol........stan

author comment

A few suggestions fromm MM before she bruises my ribs xxxx

The time (, it) may be far or near (add)
when (our) souls cease to be so numb (remove)
of every race, religion, sex or creed. (Sooooo long - try just -'religion, race, sex or creed')

Love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

I know this is pretty raw. It was written late at night in haste before the gist left me. But you know I always return to try and tidy my attempts up...........stan

author comment

when I was obtuse and more..
that key sound and lock sound
thank U...
shuffle to the desk
locker out my stuff
quick to get out of their way
Freedom never so unappealing

and now even lately as I get
old Reading like listening
means take it in and consider
let it settle not fester

im growing better
a grand poem
about someone unlocking
the inevitable avoidance
and welcoming pause
of humility!

thank U!

I'm a bit surprised such a quickly written poem has gotten this much attention. Maybe I should Always just jot stuff down lol.......stan

author comment

A great poem in many ways, Judy's suggestions were spot on but didn't get to the heart of the problem, which is the stumbling meter.
I don't know what to do with you, young man. You've done the workshops. It must be my failure. I'll try another meter workshop soon (yes, I'm back in the game).
Do you really read your poems aloud? Record them and listen to them?
Buggerit, hang on while I re-wire my system for this computer, it's set up on my media center 'puter for listening loud late at night at the moment. I'll get back to you with my reading, ok?
In the meantime read some Tennyson and Gerard Manly Hopkins. Even your god, Frost, handles meter.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Good to see you back. As to meter, I do and Did read this aloud. And to my ear the only major problems are in last line. But I likely put stresses where they shouldn't be subconsciously. I have GOT to get spoken word going. Perhaps hearing one like this recited is better that reading it?........stan

author comment

Preferably a headset with built in mike.
What version of Windows are you running?
Maybe I can help.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I have everything else set up and ready to go though. I hope to find time before I have to move on the 30th (sold our house) because I'm uncertain how long I'll be offline ..............But don't worry you'll be the first I'll holler for help with if needed.......stan

author comment

but gave up with the problems I encountered, when with little effort it was possible to use a smart phone for the purpose, downloading one of many free apps for the job.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

Problem is I have no smart phone. I refuse to own a tool that's smarter than I am lol........stan

author comment

how both joyous and sad to see Esker's wonderful comments on this poem.

I thought that poet might have arrived- Bob Dylan. Time will tell.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

song writers are wonderful poets.

author comment

Homer's are rare, Dylan is truly in the bard tradition of great poetry done as song.
We can mention a few others on our time- Leonard Cohen, Paul Simon,

After a lot of consideration about song lyrics vs poetry, even a workshop on this site, I see a very strong distinction between most lyrics and true poetry. I love lyrics. I'm a musician and play the great American songbook, and samba (great lyrics!!) But when I read most lyrics on the page presented as poem, most fall flat. Obvious, cliche, catchy, lacking metaphor and poetic depth or inner music associated with great poetry. But when the simple words and messages of lyrics are married to the song and preformed well, I am in heaven. Fly me to the take the high road,I'll take the low....all the Beatles, and Cole Porter. Great lyrics. without the music and sold as poetry... who's going to take "Night and day you are the one" seriously.
Sorry to go on a bit...thanks for reading.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

although not a song in its entirety a lot of lines in music are GREAT poetic lines "The words of the profits are written on the subway walls"," I have seen the freedom of an eagle as she flies", 'The sound of silence"...........I know a single line doesn't make a poem but there Are some lyrics which are good poetry.....stan

author comment

to give life to old scribbles
the light of twilight
both morning dawn
and evenings leering last
shine upon you finally and fast

you are the poet at last
and at high mast

You know I go back and edit old stuff a Lot and it amuses me sometimes how clueless I was in poetry sometimes lol......stan

author comment

I lead em all
u know
I know F all

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