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My Nightly Conversations

I often speak to myself at night
Hoping to seek some insight

Sometimes the answers are so clear
Others times I feel only fear

I pray very often in my sleep
Opening the secrets I so often keep

I question my actions, my fears and dreams
As I pass through life’s many streams

The conversations I have allow me to change
Permits me the chance to eliminate the strange

I stand to hold on to those I love
With all the help I get from above

In this conversation with myself, I find,
A path to growth, a peace of mind.

My conversation deep within my soul
Allows me to find a way to make me whole

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "My Nightly Conversations" exhibits a thoughtful exploration of self-reflection and personal growth. However, there are areas where the poem could be improved to enhance its impact and clarity.

1. Consistency in Rhyme Scheme: The poem seems to follow an ABAB rhyme scheme but deviates from it in the last two stanzas. Maintaining a consistent rhyme scheme throughout the poem can provide a more satisfying reading experience.

2. Rhythm and Meter: The poem's rhythm appears to be irregular, which can disrupt the flow for the reader. Consider revising the poem to establish a more consistent rhythm. This can be achieved by ensuring each line has a similar number of syllables or follows a specific metrical pattern.

3. Imagery and Metaphor: While the poem does employ some metaphorical language (e.g., "life’s many streams"), it could benefit from more vivid and unique imagery. This would help to engage the reader's senses and make the poem's themes more emotionally resonant.

4. Word Choice: Some phrases in the poem are somewhat clichéd (e.g., "peace of mind", "help from above"). Replacing these with more original expressions can make the poem more distinctive and memorable.

5. Show, Don't Tell: The poem often tells the reader about the speaker's feelings and experiences, rather than showing them through concrete details and images. For example, instead of stating "I feel only fear", the poem could describe a specific situation or sensation that evokes fear. This would make the poem's emotional content more vivid and relatable.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Thank you for sharing your perspective with us.

Thank you,
Mary Beth

Because your words have touched my heart,
I stopped to share a little part.
Be nice, supportive, kind to all
As we walk through this Poetry Hall.

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.