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I am messenger,
I am conveyer of words,
And through my pen;
Delivering thoughts.
Of pasts,
Of mistakes made unwise,
Of hopes,
Of dreams;
and risky schemes.
I am messenger of writing pages long,
And that message gets told in many ways strong,
And at the end of the day
All I ask reader of mine,
That I have told the story accurately well.
So you see,
I am messenger,
I am conveyer of words,
And it is through my pen,
That I fulfill dreams.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 


A bit choppy in my opinioon may I suggest either I or The as I am the(a) messenger to smooth the lines some otherwise I enjoyed reading this poem


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My main premise when I write a piece is that it has a beginning, a middle and an ending and it tells a story overall....Francis

author comment

Hi Francis, I agree with Lynn, your poem is a bit choppy and many words can be tweaked so that you can write it with fewer lines. Otherwise, enjoyed.

"My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies; fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends.” – Freddie Mercury

Think the choppiness might actually reflect how the thoughts might come when trying to describe ourselves

Sometimes we write I a hurry and some of these little mistakes happens, well fulfillment is all we writers ever think of. Nice one

I got it, good job and listen to Simon. We all must learn not to take things personally.

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

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