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Empty Cart

Am I seen,
or do I self-check out?

Some hours,
I turn into a shopping cart,
just carrying, not asking
how much it weighs.

I turn into the frozen dinner
everybody ignores
until they suddenly
have time for a cooked meal.

Always ready
to help fill their bags,
still no one notices
the effort.

I must be
a market
that offers people
what they really need.

So why stay?
Because they always need
to fill the refrigerator.

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Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Empty Cart" utilizes everyday objects and scenarios to convey a deeper emotional narrative, which is an effective technique. However, the clarity of this narrative could be improved.

The opening lines, "Am I seen, or do I self-check out?" introduce the theme of invisibility or being overlooked. This theme is further developed through the metaphor of the speaker transforming into a shopping cart and a frozen dinner. The use of these mundane objects to express feelings of insignificance is innovative and relatable.

The transition from being a shopping cart to a frozen dinner could be smoother. The connection between these two objects is not immediately clear, which may confuse readers. It may be beneficial to provide more context or explanation to help readers understand this transition.

The line "I must be a market that offers people what they really need" seems to suggest that the speaker feels used or taken for granted, but this could be made clearer. The use of the word "must" implies a degree of certainty that doesn't seem to be supported by the rest of the poem.

The concluding lines, "So why stay? Because they always need to fill the refrigerator" effectively return to the theme of being overlooked or taken for granted. However, the reason for staying could be further developed to provide a more satisfying conclusion.

In terms of structure, the poem lacks consistent rhythm or rhyme, which can make it feel disjointed. Consider revising the poem to incorporate more rhythmic or rhyming elements to create a more cohesive reading experience.

Overall, the poem effectively uses metaphor and everyday objects to explore feelings of invisibility and being taken for granted. With some revisions to improve clarity, transitions, and structure, it has the potential to be a powerful piece.

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Hello, Paul,
Reading this, I am reminded of Shel Silverstein's "The Giving Tree." The third stanza stood out to me, because a frozen dinner is usually referred to as when someone does NOT have time for a cooked meal. But I like the irony in the stanza. Wonderful final line.
Thank you!

for your words

author comment

I really like your recent submissions, especially
the unexpected and none traditional use of metaphor. I, unfortunately can relate to this one. I think everyone does. There are always those moments that you'd feel you're "not" not appreciated but some how overlooked though everyone value you in a way or another but most often I'd let that feeling go :)
I enjoyed this one as I read though out.
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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for your words

author comment

this one, I am reminded of the many times, that I have accepted
a service to me, and said the obligatory "Thank you" without feeling, just ...
How often do we accept those and not pay attention? Maybe miss it altogether.
Go the extra mile and smile, say it in a convincing manner, use a name.

Fifth stanza should be first or second stanza. [I vote first].

The ending should have one more line.

"Because, hope is always hungry
and needs to grow."
Or something similar; try to tie it into the beginning lines of being a market.

~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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