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Editing - polished draft

Prometheus and Pandora

The creator of mortals, but only of men it is said...
Instigator through portals, of many flames blue to red.
Punished by Zeus, his liver a feast for the birds,
Left alone and not heard, but actions are louder than words.

The epitome of honour, eternal pain to help men
Out of the fire came knowledge, progress, and then ..
Pandora opened a jar, out flew much evil and sin
From then women were shamed, the men would win.

Meeting Destiny

Logs crossed to meet
their fiery destiny.
Twigs added
to aid the match.
Failing, the logs
are bathed in fluid
to make their future
come in the form of light
and the scent of smoke.
People ring the bonfire
with marshmallows
on metallic sticks to be wed
with chocolate and
graham crackers.


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

When I find this world to be
And unkind,
All hope is not lost.

I can
Be accepting,
Be just,
Be anchored,
And be kind.

And we all know the fable
Of what happens
When the butterfly flaps its wings…

Written August 6, 2024
© 2024 Kelly Ann Wilson

I Know

She rises and encourages our two dogs
to go out, then turns and tells me
she almost called out for Tuffy to join them.
We lost our very good boy just recently.

I said “I know.” We both turned and understood
in an unspoken way we would still be seeing him
for some time to come, as we led all three out
to do their business in their favorite spots before bed.

Sneezing fit – tests nasal septum

The word Gesundheit was first used in English in 1914. It became popular in the United States due to the many German immigrants who moved there. Many Americans may not be aware that Gesundheit is a German word, or even what it means.

Contrary ro popular belief, I experience sneezing fits
every now and again (like right nah... nah... mah now,
but cannot attribute sternutation linkedin to any known allergens).

A Bully Of Worth!

They do not know why I do what I do,
bunch of chumps calling me misguided.
I laugh at them feeling sorry for me
their perspective is all lop-sided.

I pull the wings off the bugs I catch,
drop them in my big sister's soup,
she deserves it, by my standards, to be sure
what a silly girl, she is the perfect dupe.

I put a garden snake under her pillow
just so I can listen to her screams
maybe she will fall asleep soon as
it permeates her nasty little dreams.

Defecation accidentally clogged...

for the umpteenth time
during spate to sit scrawny buttucks
on porcelain throne id est
videre licet toilet bowl...
with toxic water brew threatening
to overflow onto the floor,
and hence found yours truly (me)
immersing himself in the holistic experience
for the pure love of bucket flushing
since applying plunger to no avail

For Cat and Unca Fez

You and I, confederates among the ashes,
find resolve in the face of loss bitter to the touch.
But sometimes it feels like it has never rained so hard.

Double Scoop

My neighbor, an irascible man, a few houses down,
often yells at the ice cream truck when it comes around.
He objects to the noise (or maybe it's the tune).

I take offense to his assault on my thoughts;
my youthful anticipation of cold sugary treats
on hot summer days.

I know one thing for sure, the next time the truck
comes around with its music and joy,
I will flag it down and order a cone,

Harken and cue lyrics to All I Need Is a Miracle
Song by Mike + The Mechanics.


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