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Editing - draft

Chariot To Hell... Feb. 2023

Blacked out window tint
Matte black paint and flames
Red leather steering wheel
crimson seats with his name

Muffled roar unleashed
that engine really purrs
and it jumps off the road
when you're giving it the spurs

Twelve hundred muscled horses
putting down to the rears
got an electric transmission
and six forward gears

Music assault from speakers
high decibels pouring out
You hardly hear what's said
even though he shouts

After Nighttime Snowfall

Black morning stillness
icy calm speaks dark reproach
shadows this landscape

The Birth of Ebony

A spirit has equal parts
of light and dark inside,
looking within myself
I saw a darkened tide

Released with revelation
I now rule over death,
throwing back my head
howling without breath

Guttural are the sounds
that rumble in my chest,
trumpets sounded time
the angels rose from rest

Know, he stole my innocence
filled a heart with fears,
took away my confidence
I knew nothing else but tears


A girl looks to tomorrow
And she sees pure
No person
More radiate
She will be sunlight
Peaking through
At the break of the day

And she will no longer
Be the tomb
Of a mother's regrets
No longer the girl
Who sees self love as vanity
achievement as ego
No longer the girl
Who refers to herself
In third person
To escape the feeling
Of being in herself

Tomorrow will be
A better day
Where I will
Have my moment
In the sun.

She Certainly Was...

Contrary, she wore it
like a sparkling diadem.
So comely, yes
such fine angles
an oddity too, smiling
her secret thoughts,
rapt with unheard melodies.
Speaking only with violet
eyes, under lashes smokey,
dusting her peach
blushing cheek.
Unperturbed by the male
element amassing around her
like dogs in heat...

Defining Poetry

Poetry is therapy, stress it can release
Like sleep it’s therapeutic, and it seems to be
A collection of ideas, our hopes, and what we see
Combining fact with fiction; a winning recipe.
Poetry is passion, a passion for the world
Written inspiration, there’s power in the words.
A conversation overheard, can ignite a flame no doubt
Or a stressful day, a peaceful night, moonlit sea, or drought
It’s dramatic, can be tragic, that’s what life’s about
But a sudden gloomy sight, still can’t put the fire out.

I would have never shined

You asked why I Love you,

I love you,
as the suns rays
caress the morning,
her fibrils of light
graze blades of grass
in the grace of dawn,
my tears fall in dew

as black consumes
my splintered spirit,
a skein of skyline
ruptured magnificence,
illuminating my gift
in wonder

shorn of your sparkle
I would have never shined

I’d have not discovered love
in the eyes of the fates,
never would I have felt
your breath in my hair

A thousand sighs until tomorrow

as yesterdays hand
slips off my shoulder,
and tomorrows embrace
takes my gaping lips

in this, today
I breathe a thousand sighs
and soar a breathless wind

I’ve heaved the night
until the day broke,
and stood in the middle
of all and nothing

and now,
I exist in Milli seconds
between this word

and the next

Mind, Heart, and Soul

Success isn't just my hobby
It's infectious, it's my addiction
It isn't just a goal I have in mind
Success is a quest, it's a mission

I no longer say that I have dreams
Because dreams, they don't come true
Now I only admit to having goals
The outcome, which depends on you

You can't control what life throws you
Change the plan, but never the goal
Success takes not only endless effort
But passion in your Mind, Heart, your Soul

Dropped stitches

I have loved boundlessly
and thought left empty

yet in the moments
minutes and hours,
we lay in the stars
of each other's eyes,
I found ecstasy but also
unfathomable sadness

Finding you in this life
stitching my destiny,
into the silken fabric
of our days together

A pattern was designed
to be rent with tears,
but weaving a chaotic arc
found lusting symmetry

the burdens of life
strained the linen,
binding our bodies
to perfections edge


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