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Editing - draft


For the longest time now, I have worried over nothing,
With a mindset that beleaguers me and leaves me rather flat.
It's a feeling that belies a deeper problem than I realize
And it never leaves me happy or contented where I'm at.

I worry like a worrywart who lost the art of happiness
And sit in my depression when I'm losing all control.
But I have a saving element to mental stature relevant
In elevating levels that relieve my very soul.


Am I out of my league
Are my poems too long
Should I burn them or fling them away
Poetic fatigue
Has me drowning in song
With visions that won't go away

I read and I read
And try to belong
To a club that esteems one with praise
I breathe and I bleed
whether rightly or wrong
And cast myself down in a daze.

Am I too short on stature
Are my poems too weak
Do bush poems even count anymore
I'm caught in contracture
with muscles so meek
is my genre subconsciously poor

Rewrite the Stars

The future of our world
Lies entirely in our hand
We will create the future
We decide what will stand

Our hearts may be bleeding
But we still have a responsibility
To make the world a better place
For ourselves and others to be

We might not have chosen this
But we are on the battle lines
We have the power to change it
We can rearrange the signs

They will say it is impossible
They say we won't get far
Yet we determine what to do
Together, we can Rewrite the Stars

The Moana of Love

I sit here eyes brimming
with the light of the cosmos,
I remember our first kiss
soft as a flannel flower,
I will never stop loving you

Crystalline tears fibril my face
whimpering I crumple inside,
I kept a part of you in me
everywhere you are is here
covertly I yearn for us

Six foot four of funny faces
and here we are streets away,
it may as well be a million miles,
we're confined in our broken oaths


If my tears were goodbye letters
Dad, I'm sending ten thousand more
If my heartache were an operetta
Dad, I've written a million scores

If waves of grief crash and dump me
Dad, I'll paddle Tsunami's to shore
If I could turn back time and space
Dad, I'd fly you right to my door

If the stars were openings to heaven
Dad, I'd blast with SpaceX and I'd soar
If my singing could reach your ears
Dad, it's vibrato would be heard in Timor


Yours will be the last song I sing
before I forget all the words
I've ever loved A puzzled
smile of gratitude A sigh
in sight of everyone
You are the breeze
I can breathe Just as
it’s always been A fall
slowed and softened
A whimsical waltz in
my final room
Look with me
through branches
at the only sun we’ll ever see
A lonely star that lives to
spare me our final goodbye
Be the sunset I need
Worship with me in the mercy
of loving you for
the words you chose

Next time we meet

I'm wondering when
next time we meet,
what form we'll take
in the next heartbeat

Will we be the rays
that blaze from the sun,
or could we be sprays
from when time began

Maybe as nightingales
we’ll sing to the moon,
or maybe as wolves
we’ll sing our own tune

Would that we shifted
dimensions and time,
maybe our hearts will
beat the same rhyme

Maybe as echos
through deserts vast,
or maybe a comet
that moseys on past

We Were Strangers...Feb. 2023 Challenges

Drenched in sweat and rain
ragged uniforms
Rotted boots, and feet in pain
wishing you were never born

In the middle of the night
on a battlefield
we met, were meant to fight
but found it easier to yield

Through the night we huddled
you showed me pictures, I showed mine
"You're like me", I was puzzled
"Before this, our lives were fine"

I hear voices in the dawn
"Better run now while you can"
I pushed the man across the lawn
watched him as he ran

Tomorrow is Another Day

Today was a bad day...

I tripped on my shoelace,
And knocked over a glass.
I scratched my finger,
And my belt loop got caught on a doorknob.

I forgot my wallet at home
When I went out to buy groceries
AND, I ran into someone from high school
And they recognized me.

Oh, and I forgot to mention…
I wore socks that kept falling into my shoe.
All. Day. Long.

Needless to say,
All the things that can go wrong in a day,
DID go wrong today.

The Merring's Dungal (The Stars Cry)

As I begin to fall away,
I send out waves of love
washing over all the world,
it starts out in the north
flowing south to my home

On every particle of dirt
I fibrillate odes of joy
beating deep into the core
buried in the earth's soil

I longed to leave a mark
but those not carved in stone
though this overflowing organ
never had a riverbed to flow

Linen fields are swaying
starlight is sparkling
one last time for me,
I'm giving away my soul
for innocence be gratis, freed.


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