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Editing - draft

Meeting a Caveman...

He looked about the room
turned his smile on her
Those big, brown eyes, they flashed
she saw a ripple in his fur

Hypnotized by caveman magic
she surrendered to his charms
Took vows of matrimony
and fell into his arms

He drags her by the hair each night
has his way with her
She teaches him to party hearty
and she calls him Sir

He's a caveman, yes, a throwback type
he's just a little crude
But he's got more than boyfriend before
and you should see him nude


Babies make me smile
no matter what the kind
I love to see them laugh
at the new things that they find

My lips are bound to curl
at bouncy, blonded hair
dandelions tied with ribbons
petals blowing in the air

Or maybe puppy-dogs
I like the old ones too
I just can't decide
The [ONE] I want,or two?

Smiles are free, let's give them away
I've got a few for you
I'll bet you've got some spare ones
If not , there's always new

The Price of Justice

Good morning, everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that in celebration of Thanksgiving coming up later this month, I've put a limited-time discount on The Price of Justice. Order your eBook today for only $1.99! Tomorrow at noon the price will rise to $2.99, so don't hesitate. Within a week it will be at full price again!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post, and happy early Thanksgiving!!!

In the heart of the struggle

In every struggle, there's a hidden strength,
A testament to our will, to go any length.
For it's not the change, but the hate, that makes us wise,
In the heart of the struggle, our true self lies.
But how do I know the right from wrong
reality changes and I don't feel as strong
People get older
The world getting colder
In the heart of the struggle,
Only the world seems to lie.


My favorite book sits in the middle of my book shelf
I finished it the other week, but something doesn't feel the same
I go back and re read my favorite chapters sometimes when i miss it
Maybe one day I'll pick up a different book and discover the beauty of it
But i don't think i am ready to let go of the beauty of this one
I still read this book, even though i know the ending will stay the same
I still read those chapters
OUR chapters

Home Comforts

I’m greeted by my faithful chair
With its leather arms, wide open
I awaken the kettle, to get myself settled
Fetch a book, and ignite the fire

I dare to intrude, on my puppy dog’s snooze
And am gifted a look that is joy
Nestled up on his bed, not a care in the world
We savour the peace, as he lays with his toy

The fire’s desire, to amuse and distract
Is apparent to all in the room
It embraces the faces, from the dog to the clock
That are gripped by the power it has

Like You Thought I Never Would

I hope you wonder
If I'm thinking of you
I'll bet you're thinking
I've got nothing to do

But boy, just hold on
I've got a newsflash
You're not in my head
I can't feel the backlash

I hope you're home alone
Thinking of the situation
But I'm not here to fight
Or start an altercation

And I ripped that picture
Tore it down the middle
I feel like Rome is burning
I'm Nero playing the fiddle

Bliss (edited)


most of all, I miss our mingled laughter...

traveling the telephone lines,
banishing the many miles
the abyss of distance between us,
your heart and mine.

indelible memory;
your eyes the color of wood-smoke.
your envisioned smile
took me to an elevated state of bliss...

Passion Rings True

You don't know my name today
I'm not in the spotlight, not yet
But don't let that fool you, no
Watch where you place your bet

They say I'm just another dreamer
All I ever do is fantasize and ramble
But legends are forged through fire
Believe me, I can handle the gamble

Gold is often hidden beneath earth
Diamonds buried in the ocean deep
The rare among us demand success
When they fail, they simply grit their teeth

Main St. USA...

Main Street, it ran from one end of town
straight through on route five
all the way to Schenectady
and in the other direction, to Fonda

It seemed like almost everyone on Main St.
was a refugee of some kind from somewhere
from war, economic disaster, socio-paths
who dreamt of running a country with guns...


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