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Would, that I could
For myself, choose!
One perpetual mood
And all the rest, set loose!

Just but one emotion I shan't rue.
Joy and her flock just wouldn't do
Banish one, banish all
Leave nothing but the blues.

In all their glorious madness,
Nothing has ever been sweeter
Nothing ever kinder.
O, if only I could be sad forever

Take an axe to love,
All her bonds, sever.
Renounce that pilgrim, glee,
Commit my soul to sorrow,

Make her master of me.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How was my language use?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
This poem, Exile, is about chasing away any good emetions like love, joy, glee and the like... Because they pick you up just drop you like a hot potato. So here they deemed unreliable and therefore unworthy to be felt in the first place. Sadness and the like should just be the only thing since they are here most of the time anyway.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Exile" explores the idea of longing for a single, perpetual emotion, specifically sadness. The speaker expresses a desire to banish all other emotions in favor of embracing sorrow indefinitely. The poem effectively conveys a sense of yearning for the comfort and familiarity of sadness, rejecting joy and love in the process.

One suggestion for improvement would be to further develop the imagery and sensory details to enhance the reader's emotional connection to the speaker's longing for exile in sadness. By incorporating vivid descriptions and engaging the senses, the poem could create a more immersive experience for the reader, deepening the impact of the central theme.

Additionally, consider refining the structure and flow of the poem to enhance its overall coherence and impact. Pay attention to the rhythm and meter of the lines to create a more consistent and engaging cadence throughout the piece. This attention to structure can help elevate the emotional resonance of the poem and strengthen its thematic exploration of exile in sadness.

Overall, "Exile" presents a compelling

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This is good enough to be published. It would look good as an opening to a book, even. I might be little biased because a similar situation came my way not long ago. "Would that I could." I love it. You're strong, decisive, and there is real suffering here of a kind that transcends the page, the way you write it. Love here is a paradox. You must fight to control a love you feel but isn't reciprocated or simply is too much. Full Disclosure: Words Ablaze and I are working on a book. Hey, hey.

Jesus christ Stewy lol
Yea you biased alright... But that doesn't necessarily mean you are wrong here. The hurt is real alright, truly the hurt and the joy are the poet here if you were to really look at things because I can't seem to write without them but I'll take the praise in their sted. Thank you Mr Buxs

author comment

In your explanation of the basis of this poem, you make a good argument. One thought for expressing the negative is, those feelings make for some wonderful poetry, because you have dug down deep! These are my favorite lines of your poem:

In all their glorious madness,
Nothing has ever been sweeter
Nothing ever kinder.
O, if only I could be sad forever

I very much like your structure and language usage!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Dark emotions do make for wonderful poetry if drawn from the throbbing depths. I do relish just allowing myself to wallow in them once in a while. Thanxs um glad you liked it.

author comment

Hello, WA,
Your opening stanza, especially the first line, sets the mood for the entire poem. ("loose" instead of "lose.") Banish one, banish all - love the heedless feeling in this. "Commit my soul to sorrow. Make her master of me." Gives me the chills. Very nice!
Thank you,

Thanxs for the spell check. Chills huh... OK I'll take that. In that moment I was a man done with negotiating with happiness, the deal was off. So glad you liked it L

author comment
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