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What life means to me

There was a man hanging on the branch of a tree
a tree that bears snakes
Though he was afraid of the land
The land that bears lions
He couldn't jump down to the stream
Because the stream also bears crocodiles
No safe place.

Like the stars in the night time
So to everyone a different meaning
What life could mean
To some a cube of sugar
To another a juice of bitterleaf
Life is beautiful
Life is ugly.

Like the beautiful flower
That you see today and tomorrow withers 
Like a starving lion and an innocent deer
One thanks his god for a good meal
The other becomes the meal
Life can be unfair
Life is a mystery.

Like the birds abode the trees
and make it a stage for thier beautiful songs
It lifts my heart in the morning,
I will sing with them, 
I will embrace my fears and tackle my challenges,
For life is  vise versa
The beautiful and the ugly.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hello, Chiori,
There is something to be said about facing reality. Your poetry is unswerving without becoming bitter. There is a calm and wise feeling in this poem that helps the reader to face fears so that life may be fully lived. "I will sing with them." Inspiring.
Thank you!

Thank you Lavender

always remember to make a critique of other poems
using the hoe is not madness for nothing

author comment

Making use of imagery and some poetic elements in poetry makes your work effective. And it keep the readers to sudden imagination and thinking.

Well done Chiori!

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


There always choices to be made because of the nature of opposition! To embrace goodness not wrong or right are ideas that
came to mind. Right isn't always good, but sometimes bad accomplishes many great things

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

There always choices to be made because of the nature of opposition! To embrace goodness not wrong or right are ideas that
came to mind. Right isn't always good, but sometimes bad accomplishes many great things

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

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