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Dark Angel 5

Enfold me dark Angel, Enfold me,
With your Black Satin Wings draw me near,
Draw me close to your soft swollen bosom,
Draw me far from life and its fears.

Embrace me dark Angel, Embrace me,
Keep me safe in the coldness of love,
Let my mind sink to the abyss
To be held as if in silk glove.

Teach me dark Angel, teach me,
You know that to you I am true.
Though you give yourself freely to others
None will be faithful to you.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
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Not Explicit Content
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Your poem gave me the shivers. If that was your intention, well done, scary.
I enjoyed your use of metaphor and illiteration, both delivered in brevity.
A familiar subject matter given a modern day twist, well done. Ruby :)

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

Hello Ruby. That was not the original intention, I just wanted something dark. Still I am very pleased with the effect. Alex

author comment

I don't know what but this whole poem is just amazing.

Thank you Jes. I have just read a couple of your works. I enjoyed them. It will be interesting to see how you develop. Alex

author comment

Just beautiful!


Thank you Rose, appreciated. Alex

author comment

Congratulations Alex on winning the poem of the week, I'm made up for you. Ruby :)

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

Thank you Ruby. Alex

author comment

you set the hook with your first line and its repetition. exquisitely haunting... the undercurrent of sorrow is delicious. there is a note of yearning that intensifies to the end of this piece. poignant, walking the razors edge of pain and pleasure that is devotion. thank you for this write. and congratulations to you.

* best wishes, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thank you Cat, you have always been so kind, it is appreciated. Alex

author comment

Thank you Max. all comments appreciated. Alex

author comment

absolutely awesome. I loved it

Tiffany K. Smith

Thank you Tiffany, so glad you liked it. I like to write (or try ) about the power women can exert over the weaker of the species. There are several Dark Angel poems and more to come. Alex.

author comment

My first read of the poem brought forth the memory of "Phantom of the Opera", but subsequent readings showed me there was more to it than that. Your "dark Angel" is a powerful figure, yet, somehow, seems to be made the victim by almost all. I'm still digesting this one. I really like a poem that takes me a while to work through all the nuances.


Thank you Steve, It's always good when someone appreciates one's efforts. Alex

author comment

Loved the gothic feel to your well crafted poem.
And as has been already said, the poem sends shivers down one's spine when reading it.

Hello Kaz, thank you always good to hear reactions. That was number 5 of several that i have written that I call Dark Angel. I'll put them up from time to time. Alex

author comment

This took me back to embryo where all is dark
and fear is veiled. Then into early childhood.
Amazing, amazing enveloping!

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

This took me back to embryo where all is dark
and fear is veiled. Then into early childhood.
Amazing, amazing enveloping!

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

Thanks for your comments Aesthetic. Alex

author comment

"Keep me safe in the coldness of love"
This phrase gave me a pause, and I sat to consider it for a while. What a fascinating contrast to illustrate an embrace, and then call love cold!

Thank you Alaethia for your comments on my efforts. I will not respond to all except to repeat. Thank you so much. Alex

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Thank you Mark, always gratifying to receive compliments. Alex.

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