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Since we met I have been blind.
Don't get me wrong, though, I don't mind
'cause I can see just plain as day
until I turn my eyes your way.

When I glance at you I see
that child bride so dear to me.
You're still the best thing in my life;
my safe port in times of strife.

Your skin is so soft when in my hand
and in my arms you feel as grand.
The wrinkles of which you oft fret
well, I haven't seen them yet.

As well purported gray hair,
I swear there isn't any there.
Any weight you say you've gained
unseen by me, I have explained.

The sheer perfection I perceive
that leads to your mind's boggles,
my lack of perception I believe
is due to my love goggles.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


The good thing about love goggles as opposed to beer goggles is they don't vanish in the morning lol. Thanks for dropping by......stan

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They are for sale at all stores but only can be purchased in pairs ..............stan

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What a fortunate lady yours is! Would that all men held their ladies in such high stead!

Loved it.


"When a pickpocket meets a holy man all he sees are his pockets."

Unknown (at least to me)

I expect there are many times she'd argue about being lucky lol. Thanks for the read and comment........scribbler

author comment


Allow me to say this you are one of a kind person with much love and compassion in you and your writings speak of it. I guess yes we all have flaws this is true but I found a true friend when I found you.

Blessings my friend
Love to you

thank goodness there is but one of me, but thank you anyway.........stan

author comment

but that I WERE still young. Thanks for the kind words........scribbler

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I too have a pair
Of love goggles,
I’d wish to compare,
Your eyes are wonderful still
But blind as I am
I simply glare
Love goggles
Is my love in words?
Warm touch ever
But yours
Are the lovelier ones though
To which shop
On this earth
Must I go!


So sweet !! I especially like the last two verses in the last stanza, but all of it is wonderful.

Thanks for sharing Stan.

Love Mand xxxxxxxx

Ah, you old devil you. Nice work, Regards Roscoe..

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Appreciate the kind comment on this oldie

author comment

Absolutely! What that proverb says? Love is blind.
Well bogged ha!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Yeah, Susan must have bottle glasses lol

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Welcome to Neopoet. Yeah freezers rules these days it seems. And I write a bit of it once in a while but rhyming poetry is a bigger challenge and I love a good challenge lol. Appreciate your dropping by.....stan

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