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Editing - draft

Call Waiting...

The tiny light speeds on and on
Streaking away from our galaxy
In darkest space, far from dawn
Bringing news of you and me

Greetings and glad tidings too
Read my plaque, decipher it
Figuring out what to do
Wipe away the journey's grit

A message that was tossed in space
To far away and never
Now may you look upon our face
Our boldest venture ever

To find new life or is it old
Are we all alone?
We look about our universe cold
Waiting by the phone

Love sublime

I feel a trembling in my soul
a harmony of scents and sounds
like a forest coming to life
and I think of you in its whispers.

This melancholy heart of mine
trembles and burns
all nature seems to echo my words
and I feel as though immortal.

It is as though the meadows
have been lit by the rising sun
and the world's splendours
are revealed to us alone.

Lost in Parkland...

Wandering the dark
A spark waves to me
From beyond the lights

Rushing to observe it closer
I lose my way
Turned around
I have no reference

Circling the parking-lot
Looking for the car
I didn't save the memory
They all look the same

The dog in that truck
With the thousand yard stare
Gives me the once over
I wonder how long he's been waiting


Contented cows chewing cud
They watched as Hank walked by
Leaning on the fence, slinging mud
They stared with big brown eyes

Oh, have a look at those hands
Strong but gentle now
He's the best in these here lands
He sure does know just how

I was full to bursting yesterday
He relieved me well
His hands are gentle, I must say
He made me feel so swell

He warms his fingers before he starts
Not like farmer Brown
Whose hands are cold as his heart
I hate when he sits down

Prairie Blossom

(a North-American Indian Tale)

By the river in the prairie,
By the river clear and sweet,
Stood Prairie Blossom’s cosy tipi
That sheltered her ‘gainst freeze and sleet.

Little Prairie Blossom lived there
With her mother, with her father
(When he wasn’t hunting deer or elk
In the prairie with her older brother).

Now, when dawn cast probing fingers
‘cross the parting night’s horizon,
Prairie Blossom yawned, then slowly
Rose up from her skin of bison,

3:45 A.M...

I've failed to see that it's time
Failed to hear sleep's call
I'm still speaking in written rhyme
Can't hear, that that is all

All those folks that are sane
Fast asleep in their beds
Not running around so frantic
With full and bursting heads

No sense of where and none of what
Can't make my mind slow down
It's gone on auto-pilot
Too many thoughts are crowding 'round

Transient love

Love! It is like the cloud that melts
in the rays of the hot sun;
it is like the blossom that opens
at dawn only to wither at nightfall.

Love! It is the harmony that pleasure's rush
sends through your heart then dies;
it is like the flame of the firefly
transient and doomed to fade.

The 'Rapist'...

He had outfoxed the stupid cops
Was chased across the land
He felt he was the very tops
So many dying by his hand

But now, he stood with his back
Up against the wall
Killer says "Hey there, Jack
I've outdone them all

I've tracked you down, my dear boy
You don't know what you've cost me
But it really gives me joy
I'll finally set you free

How do you think that you will do
With a man that will fight back?
I like knives as much as you
Come on, what do you say Jack?

Saving Earl...

An acorn falls from the tree
Plunk, on Simon's head
The cat jumps a little sideways
Says; "Earl Squirrel, you're dead!"

Earl doesn't pay him mind
Just laughs and goes his way
Simon nurses a bump
Thinks about "Someday!"

The cats all snicker catty
Giving little jabs and pokes
Simon says; "Shut up!"
"I'll get him for his jokes"

Earl the little squirrel
Dines on Bessie's corn
She moos at him and wishes
Earl a pleasant morn


Aurora, you are the glowing dawn
that follows night; but should
I rejoice? You drive the hours
of blest oblivion away,
and then my heart festers.

Let me embrace the safer darkness
once again. She is the joyless epoch
that promises nothing;
nothing I expect; but at least
she is consistent without a promise
in her nothingness.


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