Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

New Member Contest January 2023 Winner!

GaryEnglish is the winner of the New Member Contest for January 2023 with the poem, "The Knig of Kalloo" Congratulations to GaryEnglish on winning his first contest as a neopoet member.
Click on the link below to read his poem

Description: Forget today think about tomorrow.

Objectives: Write a poem in any form and up to 32 lines.

Submit a poem

Contest link

Neopoem Of The Year 2022 Winner!

The winner of the Neopoem Of The Year For 2022 is Words.unwritten with the poem "Time Machine". Congratulations on winning the grand prize of 100 dollars on gift card. Read her poem and leave a comment below

A note about title boxes in the submit form

You do not have to put the contest or workshop you are entering. Titles should only be placed in the title box. Submissions with descriptions for contests may be disqualified

December 2022 New member Contest Winner!

The inaugural winner of our new contest is JEG325 with the poem An Empty Glass
Congratulations to this new member and we hope to see more of their poems in the future

To read the winning poem please visit:

New Member Contest Announcement!

Description: This contest is to highlight our new member poetic skills. Submit your best fresh poem for the first time to a neopoet contest

Submit your poem

Contest Link

Objectives: To provide a contest for our new members.

Prize: Recognition on your profile.
New members are members that have been on Neopoet less than a month

Emotions in seasons Contest Winner

The winner of the Emotions In Seasons contest is RoseBlack with her poem,
Emotions in Seasons (Difficult Feelings)

Congratulations to RoseBlack on such a fine poem

To read the winning poem please visit:

This week the Neopoem is Mirror Image Poems by Bmoxie . Congratulations to Bmoxie on such a fine poem, To read this poem please click the link below and leave a comment.

Thank you to the Neopoem Group for selecting the weekly poem


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.